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Updated: August 5, 2024

It was enough; my single encounter with Toddie had taught me to respect the young gentleman's force of character. So again I bowed my head, and repeated what Budge had reported as "papa's blessin'," Budge kindly prompting me where my memory failed.

"No, indeedy; but if I do, I suah will turn mah mule, Boomerang, loose on him, an' he won't take any mo' plans not right off, Massa Tom." "No, I guess not. Well, I must get back to dad, or he'll worry. Keep your eyes open, Rad, and if you see Andy Foger, or any one else, around here, let me know. Just sing out for all you're worth." "Shall I call out, Massa Tom, ef I sees dat blessin' man?"

The old man never thort what a comfort them sermons wus a-goin' to be to a road-agent, though. That time we stopped Slim Mike's stage, an' he didn't hev no more manners than to draw on me, them sermons wus a perfec' blessin' to me the thought uv 'em cleared my head ez quick ez a cocktail. An' "

An', mind this, when you pray to Heaven, ax for gold an' diamonds, ax for houses an' lands, ax for the fat of the airth; an' ax loud. No harm in axin'. Awnly doan't pitch your prayers tu dirt low, for ban't the hardness of a thing stops God. You 'm as likely or onlikely to get a big answer as a little. See the blessin' flowin' in streams for some folks!

"What did she say," asked the other, "when you slipped it to her?" "She said nothing, sir, for a minute or so, but dropped on her knees, and the tears came from her eyes in such a way that I couldn't help letting down one or two myself. 'God spare him, she then said, 'for his piety and charity makes him a blessin' to the parish. Throth, I couldn't help lettin' down a tear or two myself."

Then she put the beans, hot bread, and tea on the table. Sammy came in, and the family drew up. Adoniram sat looking dazedly at his plate, and they waited. "Ain't you goin' to ask a blessin', father!" said Sarah. And the old man bent his head and mumbled. All through the meal he stopped eating at intervals, and stared furtively at his wife; but he ate well.

An' ef ye've got ther same heart an' the same blood in ye thet them old-timers hed, mebby ye kin carry on my work better than any Rowlett an' stand fer peace and law!" Here spoke the might of family pride and mountain loyalty to blood. "Then ye kin give us yore blessin' atter all despite ther charge thet hangs over me?"

"Oh! may the great and just Providence, that sees the workin' ov all our hearts, pour a blessin' on yer Lordship's head may His holy grace be wid you for iver an' iver, an' do listen to my prayers! My husband is innocent an' oh! as you hope for marcy at thee last day, be merciful now him." "Lady ," said the Duke, "what is the meaning of all this will you explain?"

I've spoke 'e fair, Miller fair an' straight an' so you to me. You won't allow this match. Then we'll wed wi'out your blessin', an' sorry I shall be." "If that's your tune, my young rascal, I'll speak again! Phoebe's under age, remember that, and so sure as you dare take her a yard from her awn door you'll suffer for it.

Woodward, that unless you have some good body's blessin' about you, your life isn't worth a week's purchase." "Some good body's blessing!" he replied ironically; "well, never mind that, but let me know the danger, if danger there be; at all events, I am well prepared for it."

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