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"You need have no fear of an attack; but I only wish we dared make the attempt, for I would like to see every one of you hanged." A laugh greeted this remark of the driver, and once again the unseen road-agent called out: "Did you bring the gold?" "Did you bring the young lady?" "Answer my question, Harding." "You answer mine." "I will reply when I have had an answer."

Close up to the side of the coach rides the daring young outlaw, his piercing orbs peering out from the eye-holes in his black mask, one hand clasping the bridle-reins the other a nickel-plated seven-shooter drawn back at full cock. "You do well to stop, Bill McGucken!" the road-agent, observes, reining in his steed. "I expected you hours ago, on time."

"One passenger on box killed; miner in coach also. "Coach robbed of large sum. "Road-agent was alone, wore black domino and red mask, horse also masked, but feel sure I know him. "I have just strength to write this, and beg quick aid, sending it by one of my wheelers. "Come quickly if you hope to find me alive.

The fact that Dave Dockery had hinted in his note to Landlord Larry that he could possibly tell who the masked road-agent was, was a cause of considerable excitement to all, for it would doubtless fall on one in Last Chance to be the accused.

Suddenly it could no longer be doubted that the line was beginning to hesitate. The outlaw saw it, too. "Give it to 'em good!" he cried. Both men shot, and then again. The line wavered. "Two more shots will stop 'em!" cried the road-agent, and pulled the trigger. The hammer clicked against an empty chamber. "I'm done!" he cried, hopelessly. His cartridges were gone.

When I seed you git out of Challenge Hill, it come to me all of a sudden that you might be in the road-agent business, so I followed you duty, you know. But after I seed you sell Tipsie, I knowed I was on the wrong trail. I wouldn't suspect you now if all the stages in the State was robbed; an' I'll give you satisfaction any way you want it." "It's all right," said the colonel, with a smile.

He had not made the slightest reference to having met old Huckleberry at the Dead Line, and as he thought over the fact that he had done so, and the secret that was known to him alone, he muttered to himself: "If they only knew, what a sensation it would be for Last Chance, yes, and for W as well, not to speak of the masked road-agent chief and his men, who thus far have been playing a winning game; but luck sometimes turns, and I guess it is nearing the turning-point now, and will come our way."

Slowly, over and over, Deadwood Dick, outlaw, road-agent and outcast, read the notice, and then a wild sardonic laugh burst from beneath his mask a terrible, blood-curdling laugh, that made even the powerful animal he bestrode start and prick up its ears. "Five hundred dollars reward for the apprehension and arrest of a notorious young desperado who hails to the name of Deadwood Dick!

I don't want them toughs to get the drop on Dick if I can help it." "Who are they?" "Who the toughs?" "Yes; they that took the road-agent" "I don't know 'm. Guess they're tender-foots some former enemies of his, without doubt. They propose to quiz a secret about some girl out of him, and then knife him. We'll have to hurry or they'll get their work in ahead of us."

I used to have you rescue us from Indians and things, but mostly you were a road-agent or a robber, and when you weren't holding me or Minervy for ransom, I was generally leading you over some most ungodly trails, saving you from posses and things. I used," said Billy Louise, forcing a laugh, "to have some wild old times with you, believe me!