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Frank thought if his host kept on talking he should not be able to eat for laughing, but the old man was but just getting into the merits of the case! When his guests were seated, he said to Mr. Stafford, "Your white neck cloth looks like you might belong to the clergy. If you do, you can say a short prayer over the eggs and bacon, but Lord’s sake be spry, for I’m blarsted hungry!"

A bit of a boy, same as 'Betty' 'ere, 'e comes up and says, 'What'll ye take fer the whole bloomin' caravan? he says, 'for ter send ter a lidy? 'Gentleman, I says, 'I'm only a poor girl and a widered muver ter keep, and, gentleman, I can't tike less than two pound fer 'em sure and certain as there's a God in 'eaven, I can't. 'Well, says he, 'it's a blarsted swindle but I'll take 'em and mind you deliver 'em ter the lidy yerself. 'They shall go this very minute, says I, 'and, oh, sir, God bless you both and may yer have long life and 'appiness ter-gether. Strike me dead, wot d'yer think he said next?

Rain to send the Gilbert down in a howling yellow flood, and turn this blarsted spinifex waste of scorching sand and desolation into green grass and save me and the youngsters from giving it best, and going under altogether.... Boake knew this cursed country well.... I wonder if he ever 'owned' a station one with a raging drought, a thundering mortgage, and a worrying and greedy bank sooling him on to commit suicide, or else provide rain as side issues.... I don't suppose he had a wife and children to leave to the mercy of the Australian Pastoralists' Bank.

Then he wanted me to bet money on the game, and I said: "I have two chances to your one, and could win all your money if we would bet." The Englishman laughed, and said: "Why, lad, you 'avent a bloody bit of a chance; you would lose every blarsted cent you 'ave if you bet."

In a house like this, 'Satan is finding mischief still' whenever my back is turned, and sometimes he threatens to get up a row right under my nose, as in this instance. I was a 'blarsted fool, as our English friends have it, not to know that Mrs. Chint's drama, although beginning in comedy, might end in tragedy of my losing some good paying boarders.

"Hamericans is bloomin' green," he remarked, "so youse can stand for Hamerican, right enough. No other wissitors is such blarsted fools. But yon's the palace, an' I s'pose 'is Majesty'll give ye a 'ot reception." "Thanks; I'll look him up," said the boy, and left the officer convulsed with laughter. He soon knew why.

"Out o' coal," hazarded Galton, "that's w'y she harsn't got back no sooner." "W'ere's 'er sails, then?" "A tug couldn't do nothin' with sails she isn't made for sails!" "It ain't w'ot ye're made for, hit's w'ot ye can git in this blarsted sea!" "Maybe 'er machin'ry's broke?" "Maybe they're hall sick?" "Or dead?" "Maybe " Madden hurried to his cabin and returned with binoculars.

"Wait a bit," said the mariner, rising and speaking slowly, "D'you mean to say ?" "I do," said Mr. Marvel. "Then why did you let me go on and tell you all this blarsted stuff, then? What d'yer mean by letting a man make a fool of himself like that for? Eh?" Mr. Marvel blew out his cheeks. The mariner was suddenly very red indeed; he clenched his hands.

I was on board the steamer Great Republic at one time when there was a number of English lads among the passengers. They had come over to this country to hunt the buffalo, and had brought their guns with them. I got acquainted with them, as they were often in the bar-room after the bloody, blarsted wine, and they liked to talk about Old h'England and their fine guns, you know.

He began to seesaw the mule and grit his teeth, and finally yelled out, "It arn't me, boys, it's this blarsted old mule. Whoa! Whoa!" On Monday morning I too captured me a mule. He was not a fast mule, and I soon found out that he thought he knew as much as I did. He was wise in his own conceit. He had a propensity to take every hog path he came to.