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"I got me blarsted senses, ain't I?" he inquired. "There's only two lots o' flats on that side o' the Square Palace Mansions, an' St. Andrew's Mansions." "Well?" "St. Andrew's Mansions," continued Hamper, "is all away!" "All away?" "All away! I know, 'cause I used to have a reg'lar fare there. 'E's in Egyp'; flat shut up. Top floor's to let.

Done did not press the point, although he knew that she took gifts of quaintly-shaped nuggets from the other men with the indifference of a queen accepting tribute. Mrs. Ben Kyley greeted the mates with noisy joviality when they met, and Ben took his pipe from his mouth, and said he was 'right down blarsted glad, which amounted to quite a demonstration, coming from him.

There's some as says 'tis the suffrinjettes, but to my way o' thinkin' sir; it's more like to have somethin' to do with them blarsted Dutchmen as sunk my boat." "By Jove!" I exclaimed, "I wonder if it had. They seem to be mischievous devils." Mr. Gow nodded emphatically. "They are, sir, and that's a fact.

A moment he was speechless, then began ripping out oath after oath under his breath. "How," he asked at length, "did the blarsted whelp come here?" The smaller man, who had been looking keenly into Jeremy's face, suddenly addressed him: "Here you, speak up! Do you live here?" he cried. "Ay," said the boy, beginning to get a grip on his thoughts. "How long has there been a settlement here?

In his measured tramp to and fro in the shadowy apartment lighted only by the glimmer of the night without, he suddenly saw a flicker at the loop-hole he was approaching, caught a transient glimpse of a face, the gleam of a fiery eye, and he nearly dropped his loaded firelock in amazement. "By George!" he exclaimed, "I thought that was a blarsted cat!"

She arn't nah bleedin' lydy she's just a blarsted Judy. Yer got to knock a Judy abaht, arn't yer? Hi 'arve hit straight 'e picked 'er hoff the streets " The man with the scar wheeled on his heel, reached out, and grasped the Cockney by his two wrists. I exclaimed aloud when I saw the man's full face. There was death in it. He spoke to Cockney in a voice of cold fury. "You lie!" he cried.

May was a gloriously fine month, and we were much out of doors. Unfortunately, except for one fortnight in August, that was all the settled weather we had that summer. I remember sitting one afternoon staring at the same pond that Ginger Stott had stared at when he told me that the boy now beside me was a "blarsted freak."

At one end the store had been opened and drawn upon for winter use; but a goodly pile of the great tawny globes still remained, small lemon-colored leaves sprouting from them. Farmer Ford, however, viewed the treasure without satisfaction. "Us killed a power o' sheep wi' they blarsted roots last winter," he said.

"Officers' shootin' party," he muttered, as he watched the boat ground on the beach and three men, carrying guns, step out and walk up the beach "officer's shootin' party. Christ A'mighty! I'd like to pot every one o' the swine. An' I could do it, too, I could do it. But wot's the use o' bein' a blarsted fool for nothin'?"

A half-drunk harridan surveyed him, from top to toe, and made a profound bow as he passed. A number of small boys scurried along with them, curiously staring into the face of Solomon. "Ain't this like comin' into a savage tribe that ain't seen no civilized human bein' fer years?" "Wot is it?" a voice shouted. "'E's a blarsted bush w'acker from North Hamerica, 'e is," another answered.