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Den he tole me how Abram went down into Egyp' wid his cousin Sarer, an' ole Pharaoh wanted to marry her, an' Abram he purtended dat Sarer was his wife, so Pharaoh shouldn't get her leastways, it was sumfin' like dat an' how de Lord bressed 'em, an' how when dey cl'ar'd out ob Egyp' dey stole 'bout ebberyting Pharaoh had; an' dat John Brown had done tole him to be anudder Fader Abram; an' I promised him I'd be anudder Sarer to him, an' we'd pull de wool ober de white folks's eyes, an' serbe de Lord till it done pleased Him to set us free."

Mass Lennux use ter call 'em Egyp an' Erybus." Pompey's face softened. "When my leetle gal died he jes' put his han' on my shoulder an' sez he, 'Pompous, you jes' go home an' cheer up de Missis, yer don't hev no call to worry 'bout de horses. An' he tuk care of dem jes' as ef he'd ben a coachman. We'll never fergit it, Dyce an' me." Evadne's eyes shone. That was just like her father!

Come up hyear now dis ebenin', an' let us all try ter hep yer git thu. Leave yer dancin' an' yer singin' an' yer playin', leave yer whiskey an' yer cussin' an' yer swearin', an' tu'n yer min's ter de s'ords an' de famines. "Wen de Lord fotches dem s'ords outn Eden, an' dem famines outn Egyp', an' tu'n 'em erloose on dis plantation, I tell yer, mun, dar's gwine be skyeared niggers hyear.

'There's a child among the artichokes, she said. 'The Plagues of Egyp'! I'LL see to them! cried the gardener truculently, and with a hurried waddle disappeared among the evergreens. That moment she turned, she came running towards me, her arms stretched out, her face incarnadined for the one moment with heavenly blushes, the next pale as death. 'Monsieur de. Saint- Yves! she said.

'Hab patience, chile, said he: 'de Lord ain't clean forgot yer. He'll bring yer an' yo' baby togedder ag'in ef yer kin only wait His own good time. I'm on de Lord's business: He's sent me down dis yeah ribber, same as he sent Moses into Egyp', to 'quire into dis matter an' to preach deliberance to de captive.

For a long moment she dropped her eyes, and then, with a soft smile, asked if I would tell her some Bible stories, preferably that of "Moses in de boundaries o' Egyp'."

"I got me blarsted senses, ain't I?" he inquired. "There's only two lots o' flats on that side o' the Square Palace Mansions, an' St. Andrew's Mansions." "Well?" "St. Andrew's Mansions," continued Hamper, "is all away!" "All away?" "All away! I know, 'cause I used to have a reg'lar fare there. 'E's in Egyp'; flat shut up. Top floor's to let.

There would hae been a meeting the day to depose him if so many hadna gaen to the glen. But the morn'll do as weel. The very women is cursing him, and the laddies has begun to gather stanes. He's married on an Egyp " "Hendry!" I cried, like one giving an order. "Wearyworld, step!" said Hendry sternly, and then added soft- heartedly: "Here's a bit news that'll open Mysy Moncur's door to you.

Compared to me the Spinks of Egyp' is as talkative as a phonograph." The old man next turned his steps to the Northern Theatre. The performance was still in progress, and he located the man he was hunting without difficulty. Ascending the stairs, he knocked at the door of one of the boxes and called for Captain Stephens. "I'm glad I found you, Cap," said he.

"There's a child among the artichokes," she said. "The Plagues of Egyp'! I'll see to them!" cried the gardener truculently, and with a hurried waddle disappeared among the evergreens. That moment she turned, she came running towards me, her arms stretched out, her face incarnadined for the one moment with heavenly blushes, the next pale as death. "Monsieur de Saint-Yves!" she said.