United States or Pitcairn Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

At the end of the fifth day master and servant were seated in the smoking-car, and it was observed that the man was gazing steadily and thoughtfully out of the window. Finally his companion became curious. "William," said he, "of what are you thinking?" "I was just thinking, sir, about the discovery of Hamerica," replied the valet.

"So you are; but those other flyers over there, who 'av' been 'ere the past two 'ours declared you 'ad been delayed in South Hamerica hand would not be hin before to-morrow morning, so as we 'av' a coasting vessel with more petrol due 'ere then, I let them 'av' hall the petrol they wanted, hand I fear "

Look at the beauty!" gasped Betty, as the black mare reached over the gate and gently nipped the blue sleeve of the crooked little man. "Knows me? I should sye she does," he said proudly. "Why, she wouldn't take her meals from nobody but me. I told 'em so w'en I 'eard she was sold to Hamerica. And they found Hi was right, Miss, afore hever they got 'er aboard the ship. They sent for me, an' Mr.

Wot can he iggspect from a child brought up in pore circumstances in that there low Hamerica?" And as the Reverend Mr.

'Now, continued his worship, emphatically, 'nothing could more happily 'ave affected a change in my mind, than the beholding with my own eyes the lovely fair ones and respectable persons here present. To that great country, Hamerica, shall I hereafter look for the noblest results to civilization and mankind.

A half-drunk harridan surveyed him, from top to toe, and made a profound bow as he passed. A number of small boys scurried along with them, curiously staring into the face of Solomon. "Ain't this like comin' into a savage tribe that ain't seen no civilized human bein' fer years?" "Wot is it?" a voice shouted. "'E's a blarsted bush w'acker from North Hamerica, 'e is," another answered.

Great men were the gift of an age, and a nation's fortune; and with which he was more than happy to say Hamerica had been blessed would that his conscience and love of truth would permit him to say as much of his own country!

Billy heard their remarks about the "bloody 'eathen in Hamerica," "the greatness of hall things hin Hingland," "slow horses," "bad drivers," and all such talk, and drove calmly on into Horsehoe. There the horses were changed, and the six hitched to the coach were wild Pony Express animals that had been only partially broken in as a stage team, which Billy delighted in driving.