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In the days of Augustus Pan was a boorish anachronism; it was left to medieval Christianity to create a god who was in fact a shepherd of men and so to render possible a pastoral allegory that should embody the dearest hopes and aspirations of the human heart. That Christian pastoralists availed themselves successfully of the possibilities of the theme it would be difficult to maintain.

Answer, ye pastoralists! Stevenson had just drafted and paid for his batch, when Barefooted Bob stalked up, bearing an unmistakable scowl on his frank face, and a saddle on his shoulder. "Did you receive my message last night, Bob?" demanded Smythe. "Well," drawled Bob, "I couldn't say whether it was las' night or this mornin' but I got your message right enough." "And why didn't you turn-up?"

The Slavs were a people who tilled the soil, cherished free institutions, fought on foot, were gentle in character. The Bulgars were nomads and pastoralists, obeying despotic chiefs, fighting as cavalry. They came as conquerors, but in time were absorbed in the more stable Slavonic type. Without a doubt the Bulgars were racially nearly akin to the Turks first cousins at least.

The Imperial Hotel was patronized by the pastoralists, the civil servants, the bank manager and clerks all the scrub aristocracy; it was the headquarters of the Pastoralists' Union in Bourke; a barracks for blacklegs brought up from Sydney to take the place of Union shearers on strike; and the new Governor, on his inevitable visit to Bourke, was banqueted at the Imperial Hotel.

The rapid progress now being made in improved methods of boring for water, will soon bring this country under the sway of the pastoralists, and without doubt render it one of the most valuable provinces of Western Australia. On his arrival in Adelaide, Forrest received a hearty welcome, and equally so on his return to Perth.

The Chou systematized this idea and made it into the ancestor-worship that has endured down to the present time. The Chou officially abolished human sacrifices, especially since, as former pastoralists, they knew of better means of employing prisoners of war than did the more agrarian Shang.

Her father not unreasonably retorts: With which he goes off to attend to the shearing of his sheep, one of those wholly unnecessary operations which the less skilful pastoralists make it a virtue to thrust upon our attention.

"I think the pastoralists would agree not to victimise, as you call it," said Strong, after thinking a minute. "Who is to say? How are we to know?" answered Ned. "Supposing, Mr.

This was signed by nearly all the inhabitants of Winton and pastoralists of the district. When handing it to me, Riley said, "Now, I give you two hours to consult your partner, and give me your decision." After consultation with Mr. Campbell, my partner, I assented to the request, and called a meeting of the electors, which I addressed in the Court House in April, 1888.

"Certainly," answered Strong. "Straight talk never offends me." "Then how do I know you have tried to do fairly?" enquired Ned. "Our experience with the pastoralists leads us to think the opposite." "There have been rabid pastoralists," admitted Strong, after a moment's thought, "just as there have been rabid men on the other side.