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The vein remained the same, and the two men turned to mucking that they might fill their ore car with the proceeds of the various blasts, haul it to the surface by the laborious, slow process of the man-power elevator, then return once more to their drilling, begrudging every minute that they were forced to give to the other work of tearing away the muck and refuse that they might gain the necessary room to follow the vein.

He went slowly back to the restaurant, begrudging Bobby to the luckier caretaker. His envy was premature. Mr. Brown set Bobby inside the lodge kitchen and announced briefly to his wife: "The bit dog wull sleep i' the hoose the nicht." And he went about some business at the upper end of the kirkyard. When he came in an hour later Bobby was gone. "I couldna keep 'im in, Jamie.

He brought to light some lozenges that had evidently just been recovered from blushing intimacy with his "plug" of tobacco. "Narvine lozenges," he explained; "they're dreadful moderatin' to the dispersition; quiet ye; take some. "They come high," he confided to me, with the idea of enhancing, not begrudging the gift, as we sucked them luxuriously; "cent apiece, dollar a hunderd.

"I'm glad you came," she sighed. "I don't know why. I feel different to-night." She had a habit of short, begrudging sentences delivered in a quick monotone a habit of speech against which Hazlitt had often raged. But now her words flurried, breathless, begrudging as always stirred him. They could be believed. She was a child that way. She spoke quickly thoughts that were uppermost in her mind.

Among the books that he abandoned was the first of his annotated copies of Langbaine, which he found afterwards in the hands of a miserly fellow, begrudging him even a sight of the notes. 'When I returned, he writes, 'I understood that my books had been dispersed; and afterwards, becoming acquainted with Mr.

But of duty that dreary device to secure future reward by present suffering; of conscientiousness that fear of present good for the sake of future punishment; of remorse that disavowal of past pleasure for fear of the sting in its tail; of ambition that begrudging of all honorable results that are not effected by one's self; of these, and all similar politic and arbitrary masks of self-love and pusillanimity, these poor children know and suspect nothing.

No vision of future glory, however, arose before the poor weaver's imagination as she sat in that old hut holding the wee boy on her lap, and for his sake as well as for her own begrudging him every hour of the few days she supposed he had to live upon this earth. Yes!

Soon the priests commence eructating aloud, which appears to be a well-understood signal that the limit of their respective absorptive capacities are reached, for three hungry-eyed laymen, who have been watching our repast with seemingly begrudging countenances, now carry the wooden tray bodily off into a corner and ravenously devour the remnants.

You!" he reasserted vehemently at the end of another silent mile. Then plainly begrudging this second inexcusable interruption of his most vital musings concerning Spinal Meningitis he scowled his way savagely back again into his own grimly established trend of thought.

The old woman had made a feint to pull her sleeves down over her plump black arms and then, begrudging the delay, had grasped his outstretched hand, her face in a broad grin. "Yes, sah, dat's me. Clar' to goodness, Marse George, I's glad ter git ye home. Lawd-a-massy, see dem ducks! Purty fat, ain't dey, sah? My! dat pair's jes' a-bustin'! G'long you fool nigger an' let me hab 'em!