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Updated: August 5, 2024

'In the place, where I spend most iv my time, says he, 'except the little leisure I have for lookin' about me here, says he, 'I have to walk a great dale more than I was ever used to, says he, 'and by far more than is good for me either, says he; 'for I must tell you, says he, 'the people where I am is ancommonly fond iv could wather, for there is nothin' betther to be had; an', moreover, the weather is hotter than is altogether plisint, says he; 'and I'm appinted, says he, 'to assist in carryin' the wather, an' gets a mighty poor share iv it myself, says he, 'an' a mighty throublesome, warin' job it is, I can tell you, says he; 'for they're all iv them surprisingly dhry, an' dhrinks it as fast as my legs can carry it, says he; 'but what kills me intirely, says he, 'is the wakeness in my leg, says he, 'an' I want you to give it a pull or two to bring it to shape, says he, 'and that's the long an' the short iv it, says he.

* The "authorized" announcement, in the John Bull newspaper, sets this question at rest. It is declared that her ladyship is not the writer of the Diary. The suckmstansies of the following harticle are as follos: Me and my friend, the sellabrated Mr. Smith, reckonized each other in the Haymarket Theatre, during the performints of the new play. Smith came as appinted.

But Josiah continued on in that same loud axent, his liniment red as blood with anger, "If I had your darling to deal with a spell, there would be a change in him, or a funeral appinted, and the body would be ready at the time sot, I can tell you that!" Josiah wuz fearful excited and by the side of himself. Such voylent language is almost a perfect stranger to him, but he feared for my bones.

"Just lem'me know when you have appinted to hold your sarching, and I will make it convenient to have bizness consarning that bunch of horgs and cattle, I am raising on shares in the 'Bend' plantation: and you can have your sarching frolic," said Bedney, too angry to heed the superstitious rites. Dyce made a warning gesture, and listened intently.

He said the word 'traitor' was wrote in every liniment o' my face; that I wuz a dyed-in-the-wool butternut, and that the bag I'd brung along with me contained the muster-rolls of 100,000 Injiannians who'd bin swore in to fight for Jeff Davis. "The feller that they appinted to defend me admitted the truth of all that the other feller'd said.

"Each hoss has his appinted place, The heavy hoss should plow the soil; The blooded racer, he must race, And win big wages fer his toil. "I never bet ner never wrought Upon my feller man to bet And yit, at times, I've often thought Of my convictions with regret. "I bless the hoss from hoof to head From head to hoof, and tale to mane!

I sent word that I wuz there and craved a augence, which wuz gladly granted. She had hearn of me and I had hearn of her, which made everything agreeable. So at the appinted hour I wuz ushered by one of her hired men into her presence.

Every one expected to see Spitfire follow Dick Swan, and in similar fashion, but they were mistaken. They did not yet understand Grummidge. "Well, Spitfire, what's your objection to my keeping order?" he said, in a voice so gentle that the other took heart. "My objection," he said, "is that when you was appinted capting there was no vote taken.

Well, the time had arrived when we promised to meet Josiah at the appinted rondevoo. Indeed Blandina, went a little ahead of time, for as second chaperone she said it might be he would get there a little early, and bein' naturally high-sperited he might get impatient, and she said men ort to be guarded from anything that would wear on their tempers, jest as much as possible.

My private affairs is to get appinted to the Lock as reg'lar keeper at fust hand, and to have the law of a busted B'low-Bridge steamer which drownded of me. I ain't a goin' to be drownded and not paid for it! Bradley looked at him, as though he were claiming to be a Ghost. 'The steamer, said Mr Riderhood, obstinately, 'run me down and drownded of me.

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