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"I can hear Billy now, as we watched her on the training track, saying: 'She hasn't got any looks but legs are better for winnin'. And she must win; she's bound to whenever she feels like it, and the track and the weights suit her. She can't help it she's got eight full crosses of Blink Bonny blood." "Blink Bonny! H'm! Who was he? What did he do?" Hilary asked. Allys looked at him severely.

Billy watched the parade, scarcely conscious that Allys clung to his arm. Hilary stood at her other hand, frowning blackly. The finish line was almost in front of them. Hilary moved back a pace. "We can see better here," he said, trying to draw Allys along with him.

Again and again the line of rainbow jackets drew taut across the course, only to break and tangle, and at last dissolve into its original gaudy units. Billy sighed as he watched it, then smiled shyly, and drew a long breath, saying in Allys' ear: "I hate to win except right square out." "I don't understand," Allys returned. Billy looked at her in surprise.

Her small fingers were always pulling open parcels prematurely, or lifting pocket handkerchiefs ingeniously thrown down over mysterious articles, and thus disconcerting the very profoundest surprises that ever were planned; and were it not that she was still within the bounds of the kingly state of babyhood, and therefore could be held to do no wrong, she would certainly have fallen into general disgrace; but then it was "Ally," and that was apology for all things, and the exploit was related in half whispers as so funny, so cunning, that Miss Curlypate was in nowise disconcerted at the head shakes and "naughty Allys" that visited her offences.

Your pal, JACK. Somewheres in France, April 6. FRIEND AL: Well Al 1 of the Chi newspapers is getting out a paper in Paris and printed in English and I just seen a copy of it where the Allys has finely got wise to themself and made 1 man gen. of all the Allys and it was a sucker play to not do that long ago only it looks to me like they pulled another boner by makeing a Frenchman the gen. and I suppose they done it for a complement to the Frenchmens on acct. of the war being here, but even suppose this here Foch is a smart gen. and use his brains and etc. it looks to me like it would of been a whole lot better to of picked out a man that can speak English because suppose we was all in a big battle or something and he wanted we should go over the top and if he said it in French why most of the boys hasn't made no attempts to master the language and as far as they was conserned he might as well be telling them to wash their neck.

Allys pressed Billy's arm it was all she could do to show her enjoyment of the way he had turned things. Hilary bent toward her, saying, with a hard smile: "You seem to be on Mr. Wickliffe's side I wonder will you back his judgment?" "Maybe so," Allys said, without turning her head. "That is, if you care to make it anything worth while.

Hilary smiled a smile that got no further than the corners of his red lips his eyes, indeed, gloomed the more for it then turned upon Allys with: "Pick the winner for us, won't you? You are so delightful feminine you know nothing of horses, therefore ought to bring us luck. Say, now, what shall we back?" "It depends," Allys said, twirling her parasol ever so lightly. "Do you want to lose?

Billy flung up his hat, then clapped his hand over his mouth and said, smotheredly: "See that, Miss Allys! Let her come into the stretch with just one breath more'n those fine fellows, and it's all over but the cashin' in." "Billy, you're an angel! I thought we were hopelessly beaten," Allys breathed rather than said. Hilary's mouth set.

For Tim! For Blink Bonny! Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!" Allys watched him, smiling roguishly. "Billy is ridiculously young," she said to the constant Adair. Adair looked glum. He knew, and knew she knew, that the boy they had welcomed was of full man's age quite old enough, in fact, to be married.

Allys turned half about for two breaths at least she had a snobbish impulse to overlook Billy and hurry away. Billy was tall, with a face like a young Greek god but how greet him there with the Hammond girl to see, in a checked suit, patently ready-made, with the noisiest of shirts, a flowing bright red tie, and a sunburned straw hat?