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He stands thar, white, an' ain't sayin' a word. Looks for a minute like he can't move. Crawfish don't pack no gun, or I allers allowed we'd had notice of him some, while them bullsnakes is cashin' in. "But at last he sorter comes to, an' walks out without sayin' nothin'. They ain't none of us regardin' of him much at the time; bein' busy drinkin' an' recoverin' from the shock.

As a usual thing folks don't care fer me, and I don't care much fer folks. Women especial. They drives me plumb tired. I reckon I don't stack up very high in th' blue chips when it comes to cashin' in with the gentle sex, anyhow; but in general they gives me as much notice as they lavishes on a doodle-bug.

'she's cashin' in, that's obvious; an' I'm puttin' it up she's mighty likely a wife or somethin' of this yere dumb party. "'That's it, says Boggs. 'He gets this word that Myra's goin' over the big divide, an' bein' he's gone broke entire on faro-bank, he plunges over to the corral an' rustles Thompson's hoss. Onder sech circumstances, I ain't none shore he's respons'ble.

"'Whyever if she's locoed, then, argues Dan, 'don't they up an' hive her in one of their madhouse camps? She goes chargin' about as free an' fearless as a cyclone. "'All the same, says Texas Thompson, 'her cashin' in don't prove no lovin' heart. Mebby she does it so's to chase him up an' continyoo onbroken them hectorin's of her's.

You sees we're that depressed about Rainbow cashin' in, we needc reelaxatin that a-way, so we-all nacheral enough diverts ourse'fs with this Signal party who comes bulgin' up all handy. "Don't make no mistaken notions about Wolfville bein' a idle an' a dangerous camp. Which on the contrary, Wolfville is shorely the home of jestice, an' a squar' man gets a squar' game every time.

"I'm broke, and you're broke. The Concho pays off Monday, next week. The boys got three months comin' close to eighteen hundred and gold." "Gold? Thought John paid by check?" "He's tryin' to keep the boys from cashin' in, here. Things are goin' to be lively between Loring and the Concho before long. Jack needs all the hands he's got." "But I don't see what that's got to do with it, Fade."

Billy flung up his hat, then clapped his hand over his mouth and said, smotheredly: "See that, Miss Allys! Let her come into the stretch with just one breath more'n those fine fellows, and it's all over but the cashin' in." "Billy, you're an angel! I thought we were hopelessly beaten," Allys breathed rather than said. Hilary's mouth set.

But it's the lad that trails along with a pair of deuces back to back that comes up with the chips, cashin' in time." Slim Maloney announced a quarter-mile dash and when Purdy lined up with the starters, Tex quietly eased his horse between two wagons, and, slipping around behind the lumber-piles, rode back to the Headquarters Saloon.

"'Is that all? says the paddock judge. 'Go get him, Billy! he says to his assistant. 'You'll likely find him cashin' tickets. "When we gets to the paddock, there's Colonel King and the rest of the judges. "'Take his blanket off, says the colonel, when we leads in the hoss. "'He's red-hot, Colonel, I says. "'So am I, says the colonel.

On the bed the distorted body contracted suddenly into a ball. "Easy, Bub," Greenfield said between his teeth. "Easy; don't get excited. I'm dying." "You?" Frawley approached cautiously, suspiciously. "Fact. I'm cashin' in." "What's the matter?" "Bug. Plain bug the desert did the rest." "A what?" "Tarantula bite don't laugh, Bub." Frawley, at his side, needed but a glance to see that it was true.