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"Of course not," said the Dodo, with dignity, "Our family have been extinct for some time." "Vell, und vy didn't you keep so?" asked the Walrus. "It vas der best ting vat you could do. Dere is no goot for such tings like you to be aboudt." "Come along," said the Dodo, turning to the others; "let's go. I was never so insulted in all my life."

If only I dared leave the place, I'd ride to Rosario, but the instant we vacated it, those yellow jackals down yonder would come swarming in." "Dot is right," agreed Geisler, with a frown, "dey know, vorse luck, aboudt der amount of goldt vot is stored in der strong room. I bet you your life, dey iss yust votching for a chance to make idt a addack py der mine."

"Ach, Gott, der brendt," Hooven clasped his head, "ach, der brendt, dot maks me laugh some laughs. Dot's goot der brendt doand I see um shoor der boole mit der bleck star bei der vore-head in der middle oaf. Any someones you esk tell you dot is mein boole. You esk any someones. Der brendt? To hell mit der brendt. You aindt got some memorie aboudt does ting I guess nodt."

Der natives von't know und der white peebles von't be alive to care aboudt it. Ve let it stay hided in der cave undil dis drouble is all over und den it vill be easy to get it avay from der island, yoost so quiet. Come on, boys! Don't be lazy!" "I don't like dot scheme to rob der bank," growled Jan. "If der peeples get onto us, dey vould cut us to bieces." "But dey von't get onto us, you fool.

It vos awful stuff but I sticks to him aboudt dree veeks. Den I can no more dake it. It makes me so seek to mine stummick dot I gan no more eat anyting. So I say to de steward von morning, 'I gan no more dake dot medticine. I must haf some oder kind. Vell, sir, you should haf seen dot feller look at me.

All this time Geisler had been examining "Mr. Allen's" horse with a singular expression. As the miner owner vanished in the direction of the stable, he spoke: "Dot poor horse of yours vos aboudt tuckered in, aindt it?" he inquired. "Yes, poor brute," rejoined Bob Harding, "I rode at a furious pace."

Aboudt forty or fifty pounds. Der fires vos banked. Pud vy?" "Oh, nothing. I've just got a little plan in my head. Now, Jack, suppose you and I take a little run to the boiler room and look about us a bit." The boy was glad of anything to do to relieve the tension of waiting for the attack that didn't come. He gladly accompanied the self-reliant Westerner to the boiler house.

"Will they be able to make it fast enough?" "Just aboudt fast edough for people to get good ad eager to catch cold agaid," said Phillip. "There's odly wud little hitch...." Ellie Dawson took the steaks from the grill and set them, still sizzling, on the dinner table. "Hitch?" Phillip nodded as he chewed the steak with a pretence of enthusiasm. It tasted like slightly damp K-ration.

"Well, Hans," I said, "how did they use you at the hospital; they are very scientific there, you know, and must have done great things for you." "O Doctor!" he groaned, "dondt speak aboudt dem fellers. Dey vos de piggest lot of shackasses I efer saw." "Why, Hans, I am surprised at you! What did they do that did not please you?" "Vell, I tells you.

He simply gripped Gordon's reluctant hand and rumbled deeply, yet with a laugh running through the rumble: "Goot, Mister Gordon. I am glad to see you loog so well. I have heard aboudt you. It is goot. Now gif me some food in my hand and we shall see what dose leedle native mans will do mit us." The darkness became black, and still the jungle gave out no sounds beyond its own.