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Und I dink der drouble iss largely dot der modern, high-bressure cifilization makes for der abnormal, vedder a man iss a millionaire or vorks in der brewery, contentment iss a state off der mind und if der mind vorks mit logic it vill content find in der simple dings." It sounded like a pronouncement of Bill's. But Lauer did not often grow serious.

He looked long at my boots a pair of Russia leather, and his face seemed to regain steadiness. Putting his hand on my instep, he said: "Do dey vid you here? I 'ad drouble wid dat bair, I remember." I assured him that they had fitted beautifully. "Do you wand any boods?" he said. "I can make dem quickly; id is a slack dime." I answered: "Please, please! I want boots all round every kind!"

The M. in E.D. Invariably to keep my head cool; so hand them over, please; I want them. Herr V.K.. Bresently, Sare, zere is somtings ailse, it feels loike yes, it ees a mahouse-drap. Your haid is drouble vid moice, Sare, yes? Bot zere is none 'ere in ze 'at! Anozzer vide rad! And again a vide rad and one, two, dree more vide rads! You vind zey keep your haid noice and cool, Sare?

The party, five of them in all, slouched over to the rail and stood looking down into the life-boat with an air of stolid indifference, as she rose and fell alongside. Then they turned and looked inboard at the long-boat, which stood upright in chocks, on top of the main hatch, with the jolly-boat stowed, keel-up, inside her. Finally one of them said: "Yah, ve'll do id; she's wort' de drouble.

Der natives von't know und der white peebles von't be alive to care aboudt it. Ve let it stay hided in der cave undil dis drouble is all over und den it vill be easy to get it avay from der island, yoost so quiet. Come on, boys! Don't be lazy!" "I don't like dot scheme to rob der bank," growled Jan. "If der peeples get onto us, dey vould cut us to bieces." "But dey von't get onto us, you fool.

Captain Dan was interested, too. "Well," he said, "I'd like to, first rate. I've got a boat of my own back home; that is, I used to have her. She was a twenty-five foot cat and she had a five-horsepower auxiliary in her. I had consider'ble experience with that engine. Course, I ain't what you'd call an expert." "I am glad of that. Now I will explain about this drouble of mine."

At this moment Bascomb clapped his thigh and cried: "That's the scheme! That will do it!" "Uf dot don'd mean somedings, Parney, you vos a liar!" exclaimed Hans. "Av course it do." "I pelief me dot means drouble vor Frankie." "Oi wouldn't wonder, Handy." "You und me hat pesser dell him to keep his vedder eye vide open tight, ain'd id?" "Thot's pwhat we will, me b'y.

"I tell you, Bresgott, it vos a fine idea of yours," cried the big German, as he stood in a corner, looking on, while Dick talked with him. "This vill keep young folks out of drouble, and put dem in health. It vill put Gridley to being twice as good a town, alretty." "Hullo, Mr. Schimmelpodt," called a young clerk, passing in trunks and gym. shoes. "Don't you get into a squad to-night?

He looked long at my boots a pair of Russia leather, and his face seemed to regain steadiness. Putting his hand on my instep, he said: "Do dey vid you here? I 'ad drouble wid dat bair, I remember." I assured him that they had fitted beautifully. "Do you wand any boods?" he said. "I can make dem quickly; id is a slack dime." I answered: "Please, please! I want boots all round every kind!"

Here iss acres by der dousand vree to der man vot can off it make use und dousands vot liffs und dies und neffer hass a home. Here iss goot, glean air und in der shmoke und shmells und dirty streets iss a ravage of tuberculosis. Der balance iss not true. Und in der own vay der rich iss full off drouble drunk mit eggcitement, veary mit bleasures.