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There was another pause, and nobody seemed inclined to answer the question. "I mean, he's got something more than his bare living." "Oh, yes," said Frank, laughing. "He's got what will buy him bread and cheese when the Rads shut up the Church: unless, indeed, they shut up the Funds too." "Ah, there's nothing like land," said Sir Louis: "nothing like the dirty acres; is there, squire?"

They take his money regularly, get something nearly every year, join the rads at the nomination, and vote for the squire at the poll. The chaps who hollow and throw stones always vote t'other side up." Mr. Griffenbottom kept his seat till he could be carried home in safety through the town, and was then put to bed.

Then go to the park, and see what's a goin' on there; whether those pretty critturs, the rads are a holdin' a prime minister 'parsonally responsible, by shootin' at him; or whether there is a levee, or the Queen is ridin' out, or what not; take a look at the world, make a visit or two to kill time, when all at once it's dark.

"They say the Rads are going to throw us over." "Talk, talk. They have threatened this half-a-dozen times. Smoke, sir; it will end in smoke." "I hope it may; but I know, in great confidence mind you, that Lord John was saying something about it yesterday."

The camps themselves are fairly matched: Rads and Tories the sexes of politics are as evenly created as men and women. They are like ten-pound weights standing on either scale of a balance. What, then, determines the oscillation this way or that? Evidently the miserable little half-ounce weight placed sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other.

That was the first news that Fletcher heard. "It will do us all the good in the world," said Mr. Gresham. "The Rads in the borough are not satisfied with Mr. Lopez. They say they don't know him. As long as a certain set could make it be believed that he was the Duke's nominee they were content to accept him; even though he was not proposed directly by the Duke's people in the usual way.

One would think they actually owned the factory." "That is the modern doctrine, I believe," said Rupert. "Surely that is an extreme statement," said Dr. Templeton, in a shocked voice, "or you are talking of the very radical element only." "The Rads lead, of course, but you would be surprised at the demands made to-day.

Misprision of treason or compounding a felony or what? said Ollyett. 'I'll tell you later. Pallant went back to the paper with knitted brows, smiling unpleasantly from time to time. At last he laughed. 'Thank you! he said to Woodhouse. 'It ought to be pretty useful for us. 'What d'you mean? said Ollyett. 'For our side. They are all Rads who are mixed up in this from the Chief Constable down.

Then go to the park, and see what's a goin' on there; whether those pretty critturs, the rads are a holdin' a prime minister 'parsonally responsible, by shootin' at him; or whether there is a levee, or the Queen is ridin' out, or what not; take a look at the world, make a visit or two to kill time, when all at once it's dark.

The M. in E.D. Invariably to keep my head cool; so hand them over, please; I want them. Herr V.K.. Bresently, Sare, zere is somtings ailse, it feels loike yes, it ees a mahouse-drap. Your haid is drouble vid moice, Sare, yes? Bot zere is none 'ere in ze 'at! Anozzer vide rad! And again a vide rad and one, two, dree more vide rads! You vind zey keep your haid noice and cool, Sare?