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If you asked him how long the morning's tramp would be, it was "no verra long, juist a bit ayant the hull yonner." And if, at the end of the seventh mile, you complained that it was much too far, he would never do more than admit that "it micht be shorter."

And Annie Anderson has a richt no to be disturbit, whan her uncle, honest man, 's jist lyin' waitin' for's coffin i' the hoose yonner." "I'm her cousin." "It's sma' comfort ony o' yer breed ever brocht her. Cousin or no, ye sanna gang near her." "I'll go where I please," said Bruce, moving to pass. Curly moved right in front of him. "By me ye shanna gang.

"Look yonner, Baas Arend," said he. "Well, what is it, Swart?" "You see da pack-horse dare? He gone too much off from de camp." Arend turned and looked in the direction the Bushman was pointing. One of the horses, which had strayed from its companions, was now more than half a mile off, and was wandering onwards. "All right, Swart. You go on with your cooking.

"Up yonner, nearly straight ober head, close by dat lilly 'peck ob cloud. Dar dey be, one on de one side, odder on fodder, de ole cock an' de ole hen, I'se be boun!" "Your daylights be uncommon clear, nigger. I don't see ne'er a bird Ah, now I do! two of 'em, as you say. Ye're right, Snowy. Them be frigates to a sartainty.

Isna there the wee room up the stair, wi' a bed in't that micht sair the king himself sheets as white as the driven snaw, and guid stripped druggit curtains just oot o' the mangle?" "Weel, weel, guidwife, ony way ye like as to thae matters," replied Adair; "and I'll awa, in the meantime, and get haud o' the siller. There's gowd yonner for the liftin. Deil o' the like o't ever I saw."

Jean had trimmed a little tree for the General, and the children carried it up to him carefully and sang a carol having first arranged on his table, under the lamp, the purple camels, to create an atmosphere. "'We three kings of Orient are, Bearing gifts we traverse far Field and fountain, moor and mountain, Following yonder star " "Yonner 'tar," piped Margaret-Mary.

How did you get your things out, Jem Bishop?" Jem, the only one of them whose house was in the havoc, regarded with a sailor's calmness the entry of the sea through his bedroom window, and was going to favor us with a narrative, when one of his mates exclaimed, "What do I see yonner, lads? Away beyond town altogether. Seemeth to me like a fellow swimming. Miss, will you lend me spy-glass?

He was kind an' gentle an' braw, a-thinkin' bright things an' a-doin' gret deeds. The lad's like 'im, mind ye; he thinks like 'im, he says like 'im, he does like 'im. Truth, I daur say, i' the face o' all o' ye, that no son was ever more like the father than the lad a-settin' yonner is like Robert Burnham was afoor the guid Lord took 'im to 'imsel'."

Jist think, my lord, hoo gran' wad be the blusterin' blap o' the win' aboot the turrets, as ye stude at yer window on a winter's day, luikin oot ower the gurly twist o' the watters, the air fu' o' flichterin snaw, the cloods a mile thick abune yer heid, an' no a leevin cratur but yer ain fowk nearer nor the fairm toon ower the broo yonner!"

"Yes, a boat could live well enough in this cockle, though never among them breakers," old Barnes, the fisherman, answered, who used to take us out for whiting; "but Lord bless your honor, all the boats are thumped to pieces, except yonner one, and who can get at her?"