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"Ye stack yer durk intill my lord's mahogany table," said Malcolm. "Then her arm has not lost aal its strength, Malcolm! I pray ta taple had peen ta rips of Clenlyon!" "Ye maunna pray nae sic prayers, daddy. Min' upo' what Glenlyon said to ye last nicht. Gien I was you I wadna hae a pot howkit express for mysel' doon yonner i' yon place 'at ye dreamed aboot."

"Hoo cam ye here?" "I'm safe eneuch here, Dooie; dinna be fleyt. I'll tell ye a' aboot it. Alec's in George Macwha's shop yonner." "And wha's Alec?" asked Dowie. Leaving them now to their private communications, I will relate, for the sake of its result, what passed between James Dow's companion and the smith.

"Weel, my lord, hae ye ony objection to lat me sleep up yonner?" "None at all only you'd better see what Mrs Courthope has to say to it. Perhaps you won't be so ready after you hear her story." "But I hae yer lordship's leave to tak ony room I like?" "Certainly. Go to Mrs Courthope, and tell her I wish you to choose your own quarters."

"Badly, very badly, but I's forced to leave he. I lock the door and put the key in me pocket, for I's bin up the hill yonner cuttin' peat sin seven o'clock this mornin'. He do get awfu' lonesome, he say, an' if me niece hadn't a married and gone to 'Merica, I should have kept she to tend him." "Who is she?" asked Roy, as after a few more words the woman moved on.

"It's easy to you, Robert Bruce, wi' yer siller i' the bank, to speik that gait til a puir lone body like me, that maun slave for my bread whan I'm no sae young as I micht be. No that I'm like to dee o' auld age either." "I haena sae muckle i' the bank as some folk may think; though what there is is safe eneuch. But I hae a bonny business doun yonner, and it micht be better yet.