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Updated: August 18, 2024

Si was too deeply exercised about getting his squad together to pay attention to Shorty or the jeering, taunting railroaders. He became very fearful that some of them had been caught and badly hurt, probably killed, by the remorseless locomotives. "This's wuss'n a battle," he remarked to the boys around him. "I'd ruther take you out on the skirmish-line than through them trains agin."

"I wonder " murmured Janice; but said no more. "It's a scanderlous thing," Walky pursued, receiving his book back and preparing to join Josephus at the gate. "Goin' ter split things wide open in Polktown, I reckon. 'Twill be wuss'n a church row 'fore it finishes. Already there's them that says we'd oughter have another teacher in Mr. Haley's place." "Oh, my!" cried Aunt 'Mira.

"W'iles I wuz crossin' de branch des now," he said, endeavoring to change the subject, "I come up wid a Jacky-my-lantern, en she wuz bu'nin' wuss'n a bunch er lightnin'-bugs, mon. I know'd she wuz a fixin' fer ter lead me inter dat quogmire down in de swamp, en I steer'd cle'r an' er. Yasser. I did dat. You ain't never seed no Jacky-my-lanterns, is you, honey?"

So I jest made out I was feelin' good seein' her git back, an' told her I wa'an't lookin' for information she didn't guess she was givin', and ther' wasn't no need fer her to say a thing. She guessed that was so. After that I passed things by, sayin' how some o' the boys hated sheriffs wuss'n rattlesnakes an' she laffed. Yes, sir, she laffed, an' it must have hurt her some.

"You ruin her!" The bluff young Captain put down his glass to laugh. "Ruin her!" he exclaimed. "Her pa don't ruin her I eh, Ephum? Her pa don't ruin her!" "Lawsy, Marse Lige, I reckon he's wuss'n any." "Ephum," said the Colonel, pulling his goatee thoughtfully, "you're a damned impertinent nigger. I vow I'll sell you South one of these days. Have you taken that letter to Mr. Renault?"

And you'd better send a doctor who's qualified to write a death certificate; there was a woman killed, too.... Yes, certainly; the State Police have been notified." "Dis ain' so bad, Cunnel," Sergeant Williamson raised his head to say. "Ah's seen men shot wuss'n dis dat was ma'ked 'Duty' inside a month, suh." Colonel Hampton nodded.

Mass' George he lives in de back country, good long way from de coast, over a hundred miles, Jim calklates, an' Jim's smart at calklating; well, Mass' George he's not berry good to his people; never was, an' he's been wuss'n ever since the Linkum sojers cum round his way, 'cause it's made feed scurce ye see, an' a lot of de boys dey tuck to runnin' away, so what wid one ting an' anoder, his temper got spiled, an' he was mighty hard on us all de time.

"It would be hard to find a better definition, ma'am." "I've saw lots wuss'n this," she remarked, as if she would thus find excuse for her sudden use of an expression that is rarely heard on the lips of a woman. "Why, yes, ma'am a great deal worse. This is not a bad case at all. No great damage has been done. He will be lame for some weeks perhaps for a longer time.

"BRER REMUS, is you heern tell er deze doin's out yer in de udder eend er town?" asked a colored deacon of the church the other day. "W'at doin's is dat, Brer Ab?" "Deze yer signs an' wunders whar dat cullud lady died day 'fo' yistiddy. Mighty quare goin's on out dar, Brer Remus, sho's you bawn." "Sperrits?" inquired Uncle Remus, sententiously. "Wuss'n dat, Brer Remus.

"I see. You figger to git scoutin' agin when this is through. Say, you're wuss'n I thought. You're wuss'n " He broke off, struck with a sudden thought. In a moment he had dropped his tone of severity. "See, I'm goin' to hand you twenty dollars," he said, holding the other's shifty eyes with his own steady gaze, "if you've a notion to earn 'em an' act squar'. Say, I ken trust you if I pay you.

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