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He hesitated no longer. Stepping into the coffin he lay down, and the woman covered him up. "Oh, wumman!" said Black, lifting the lid a little, "tak' care ye dinna meddle wi' the screw-nails. They may " "Wheesht! Haud yer tongue!" growled the woman sharply, and reclosed the lid with a bang, just as Ramblin' Peter burst into the room. "What want ye here, callant?" Peter drew back in dismay.

"Julia, this is so like the gentlemen; they are in love with argumeunt.They go on till they reason themselves out of their reason. Why beat about the bush; when there she sits?" "What, go t' a wumman for the truth, when I can go t' infallible Inference?" "You may always go to my David's daughter for the truth," said Mrs. Dodd, with dignity.

"When Wullie slippit awa, at midnight his twa dochters, Kirsty an' Ann, took on redeek'lus, an' the auld wumman was waur. But the twa elders sat an oor, comfortin' the twa lassies, ane to ilka ane, an' baith o' them no' bad to luik at. They comfortit them muckle the same as I comfortit Betsy when we did oor coortin', but the puir auld buddy was left her lane wi' naebody to comfort her ava.

"Ye canna be the same again, for a' coont, gin ony man loves a wumman wi' a leal hert, whether she answer or no, or whether she even kens, he 's been the gainer, an' the harvest will be his for ever. "It hes seemed to me that nae luve is proved an' crooned for eternity onless the man hes forgotten himsel' an' is willin' tae live alane gin the wumman he luves sees prosperity.

You men-fowk think ye ken a hantle o' things that ye wad haud us ohn kent. But nane kens the wiles o' a wumman, least awa them 'at fa's into them, but anither wumman." "It's nae savin' lore," said Andrew, a little troubled that his wife should assert a familiar acquaintance with such things. But she went on.

Nobby'd got his leg bruk, but he seemed chipper enough an' chewed th' rag wid us awhile. Next tu him was a wumman cryin' something pitiful she'd got her leg bruk, tu. Nobby rised him up on his elbow an' lukked at her.

"Aunt Moss is a buster," was Junkie's ambiguous opinion, in which Flo and the black doll coincided. "Tonal'," said Roderick, as he groomed the bay horse, "the old wumman iss a fery tough person." To which "Tonal'" assented, "she iss, what-e-ver." There came a rainy day at last at Kinlossie House. Such days will come at times in human experience, both in metaphor and fact.

"A' can hardly believe ma ears, Jess, an' the Sabbath tae; their verra jidgment hes gane frae the fouk o' Drumtochty. "They've heard about Saunders, a'm thinkin', wumman, and they're pleased we brocht him roond; he's fairly on the mend, ye ken, noo. "A' never expeckit the like o' this, though, and it wes juist a wee thingie mair than a' cud hae stude.

"And how did it turn out?" inquired a stranger in the party. "I tell ye, I was coortin' twenty year, an' in that time I kenned what wumman was, an' so I didna marry." Jack disliked being kissed, and, being a handsome little chap, sometimes had a good deal to put up with. One day he had been kissed a lot.

'There was a wumman beside him dootless his whure, that had ridden oot frae Jedburgh to be wi' him nestlin' in at his side like a ewe till her ram i' the autumn; not that he was takin' muckle thocht o' her, though an' then he cries oot loud: "'Tis a moonlicht nicht, my Lord Claverhouse," he cries; "we'll hunt oor quarry ower muir an' fell, an' aiblins hae mair luck than we had i' the day; we'll run the auld brock to ground before dawn, I'll hand ye a handfu' o' Jacobuses."