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"Eh, it's deep the nicht, an' hard on us baith, but there's a puir wumman micht dee if we didna warstle through; ... that's it; ye ken fine what a'm sayin. "We 'ill hae tae leave the road here, an' tak tae the muir. Sandie 'ill no can leave the wife alane tae meet us; ... feel for yersel" lass, and keep oot o' the holes. "Yon's the hoose black in the snaw.

Afther that wan luk tho', Nobby he 'comes tu th' halt, so tu shpake, an' 'marks time' awhile considherin' for becod, she was a harrd-lukkin ould case long beyant mark av mouth. "Presintly, sez he: 'I'm a man av few wurrds! 'tis of then I have kissed a young wumman! an' he thwirls th' big buck moustache av um very slow 'fwhy shud I not kiss an ould wan? . . . an' he did. . . .

Me lauch, wi' ma cauld, empty hame! "Yir the only man kens, Weelum, that I aince luved the noblest wumman in the Glen or onywhere, an' a' luve her still, but wi' anither luve noo. "She hed given her hert tae anither, or a' 've thocht a' micht hae won her, though nae man be worthy o' sic a gift.

'She's a fine wumman, nae doot; but, puir cratur, she's fair carried awa wi' the errors o' thae Epeescopawlyuns. It fell to Geordie, therefore, as a sacred duty, in view of the laxity of those who seemed to be the pillars of the Church, to be all the more watchful and unyielding. But he was delightfully inconsistent when confronted with particulars.

She stopped, and looked around anxiously at the circle of neighbors. "I know it was awful of us to do it. But I hope you won't mind, will you? We jist couldn't help it." "Well, yen's true, Hannah," exclaimed old Miss McQuarry emphatically. "It was jist the Lord's wull, wumman." Every one looked at Mrs. Winters for her verdict.

Come, Christie, wumman, it's time we was back at our worruk!" and they hurried through the hedge and across the meadows to their home once more, but as they entered the Duncannon gate they marked Billy Gaston, head down, pedalling along over on Maple Street, his jaws keeping rhythmic time with his feet.

It's often as well to be single, but I sometimes think Providence must ha' meant me to 'ave an 'usband I'm such a clingin' creature." Such sentiments were most distasteful to Miss Bathgate, that self-reliant spinster, and she said bitterly: "Ma wumman, ye're ill off for something to cling to! I never saw the man yet that I wud be pitten up wi'." "Ho!

Upon those terms of penitence, John granted pardon, but it was noticed on Sabbath that when Becca got in the way of the retiring procession to the manse, the beadle was heard in the kirkyard, "Oot o' ma road, wumman," in a tone that was full of judgment, and that Rebecca withdrew to the grass as one justly punished.

"I was!" "A hemmm!" The elder glanced around triumphantly, and went on with the examination: "Well, young man! Ware you or ware you not accompanied by a young wumman of notorious I may say infamous character? In other words a young girl commonly called Cherry? Cherry Fenner I believe is her whole name. Ware you with her?" Mark's face was set, his eyes were glaring.

He only is the perfect lover, and for him God hes the best gifts. "Yes, a 've seen it wi' ma ain eyes," for indeed this seemed to Carmichael an impossible height of self-abnegation, "a man who loved an' served a wumman wi' his best an' at a great cost, an' yet for whom there cud be no reward but his ain luve."