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Mr Sownds the beadle, and Mrs Miff the pew-opener, are early at their posts in the fine church where Mr Dombey was married.

The two stray sheep in question were penned by a beadle in a commodious pew, and, being early, sat for some time counting the congregation, listening to the disappointed bell high up in the tower, or looking at a shabby little old man in the porch behind the screen, who was ringing the same, like the Bull in Cock Robin, with his foot in a stirrup.

There was one small place of rich promise in which their hopes were blighted, for a favourite character in the play having gold-lace upon his coat and being a meddling wooden-headed fellow was held to be a libel on the beadle, for which reason the authorities enforced a quick retreat; but they were generally well received, and seldom left a town without a troop of ragged children shouting at their heels.

She consented, at any rate, to look after one or two of the matters in which I was most helpless, and I was duly and infinitely thankful. In due time all was ready, and the hour arrived. All my terrors returned. I felt tempted to bolt from the house and leave my guests to entertain themselves. I hated Beadle Square.

A man may be a heretic, but possess genius: these Catholic gentlemen have come to pay homage to Mr. Sampson. Nay, there are not only members of the old religion present, but disciples of a creed still older. Who are those two individuals with hooked noses and sallow countenances, who worked into the church in spite of some little opposition on the part of the beadle?

He lowered to earth his eyes, beatifically raised to Heaven, and recognized Friquet. "Well, you rascal, what is it? How do you dare to disturb me in the exercise of my functions?" asked the beadle. "Monsieur Bazin," said Friquet, "Monsieur Maillard you know who he is, he gives holy water at Saint Eustache " "Well, go on." "Well, he received in the scrimmage a sword stroke on the head.

"Nonsense; one has always a jewel left," said Hulda. Zussmann's eyes grew wet. "Yes," he said, drawing her to his breast, "one has always a jewel left." "More meshuggas!" cried the Red Beadle huskily. "Much the English Jews care about ideas! Did they even acknowledge your book in their journals? But probably they couldn't read it," he added with a laugh. "A fat lot of Hebrew little Sampson knows!

The beadle of this church has the strongest, if not the longest, official wand in the town, and he is very modest, blushing occasionally, while carrying it. The first incumbent of St. Mary's was the Rev. James Parker, a relative of Councillor Parker, of Preston, who had to retire through ill health. He exchanged livings with the Rev.

"And mount your colonel's epaulets, to throw dust in the eyes of the women that let out the chairs eh, you old rascal!" said the other, with a sly look. "What can I do, Capillare? When one has a fine figure, it must be seen," answered the beadle, with a triumphant air. "I cannot blind the women to prevent their losing their hearts!" Thus conversing; the two men reached the sacristy.

This caused her to turn back again in the act of going out, and to present herself and her charge before him. 'I thought so! said he. 'I know YOU. 'We have often seen each other, said Little Dorrit, recognising the sexton, or the beadle, or the verger, or whatever he was, 'when I have been at church here.

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