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Updated: January 21, 2025

"He knows all about her already, you see," said the instrument-maker. "Nonsense, uncle," cried the boy reddening again; "how can I help hearing what they tell me?" "The son's a little in our way at present, I'm afraid," added the old man, humoring the joke. "Nevertheless, we'll drink to him," pursued Sol. "So, here's to Dombey and Son." "Oh, very well, uncle," said the boy merrily.

'But my little friend here, Sir, said the Major, 'makes a boy of me again: An old soldier, Sir Major Bagstock, at your service is not ashamed to confess it. Here the Major lifted his hat. 'Damme, Sir, cried the Major with sudden warmth, 'I envy you. Then he recollected himself, and added, 'Excuse my freedom. Mr Dombey begged he wouldn't mention it.

The characters of the novel also show how deeply it has been meditated; for, though none of them may excite the personal interest which clings to Sam Weller or little Dombey, they are better fitted to each other and to the story in which they appear than is usual with Dickens. They all combine to produce that unity of impression which the work leaves on the mind.

Madam, bear with me, and remember my intercourse with Mr Dombey, and my knowledge of him, and my reverence for him, almost from childhood, when I say that if he has a fault, it is a lofty stubbornness, rooted in that noble pride and sense of power which belong to him, and which we must all defer to; which is not assailable like the obstinacy of other characters; and which grows upon itself from day to day, and year to year.

And so your preparations are nearly finished at last, my dear Dombey? said Cleopatra, when the dessert was put upon the table, and the silver-headed butler had withdrawn. 'Even the lawyers' preparations!

We shall see, we shall see; and reminding Mr Toots of his immediate mission, by inquiring to what he was indebted for the honour of that visit. 'Why the fact is, replied Mr Toots, 'that it's the young woman I come from. Not Miss Dombey Susan, you know. The Captain nodded his head once, with a grave expression of face indicative of his regarding that young woman with serious respect.

While poor excommunicated Miss Tox, who, if she were a fawner and toad-eater, was at least an honest and a constant one, and had ever borne a faithful friendship towards her impeacher and had been truly absorbed and swallowed up in devotion to the magnificence of Mr Dombey while poor excommunicated Miss Tox watered her plants with her tears, and felt that it was winter in Princess's Place.

The Chicken hoarsely whispers Mr Toots that he's as stiff a cove as ever he see, but that it is within the resources of Science to double him up, with one blow in the waistcoat. Mr Sownds and Mrs Miff are eyeing Mr Dombey from a little distance, when the noise of approaching wheels is heard, and Mr Sownds goes out.

The servants with the butler at their head had all an interest in seeing Little Dombey go, and even the young man taking out his books and trunks to the coach melted visibly. Nothing could restrain them from taking quite a noisy leave of Paul; waving hats after him, pressing downstairs to shake hands with him, crying individually "Dombey! don't forget me!"

That day matters resumed their normal condition in the Dombey family; Jacob breathed freely now that his child had returned to the country of her adoption, and his wife and family were happy because of his improved spirits and appearance. Charles had apparently settled down to business as usual, and Mesdames Trotter and Dombey drove out together as of old.

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