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Updated: August 21, 2024

He kissed her kindly, but his first words had the spirit of the reproof he thought she well deserved: "Maggie Promoter, you did not behave well to me yonder day I sent you home, as it was my duty to do. If the Lord hadna undertaken the guiding o' you, you wad hae made a sair mistake, my lassie! But I'll say nae mair, seeing that He has brought gude out o' evil and right out o' wrang."

"When did this happen?" asked the latter, still incredulous. "Are you sure that's true? Dear me! I dinna ken what the world's comin' to at a'!" "Ay, it's awfu'! But it's true. You never ken what thae quate kin' o' modest folk will dae. They look that bashfu' that butter wadna' melt in their mouths; an' a' the time they are just as like to gang wrang as ither folk."

"Ay, lass," said her sister, "that's lightly said, but no sae lightly credited, frae ane that winna ware a word for me; and if it be a wrang word, ye'll hae time eneugh to repent o't." "But that word is a grievous sin, and it's a deeper offence when it's a sin wilfully and presumptuously committed."

Edinburgh, printed by Andro Hart." This curious collection has been reprinted in Mr. John. "The Paip, that pagan full of pride, Hath blinded us ower lang. For where the blind the blind doth lead, No marvel baith gae wrang. Like prince and king, He led the ring Of all iniquity. Sing hay trix, trim-go-trix, Under the greenwood tree.

"May be ye are na wrang there, Maister Quell." "Well," cried Hampden, "if I may be allowed an opinion, I can safely aver I know no quarters like Scotland. Edinburgh beyond anything or anywhere I was ever placed in." "Always after Dublin," interposed Maurice; while a general chorus of voices re-echoed the sentiment.

"An' I doobt she wadna be far wrang." "Ony gait, she kens nae mair aboot you nor ye ken aboot the maister. Ca' ye a man wha cares for naething in h'aven or in earth but the wull o' 's Creator ca' ye sic a man no speeritual? Jist gang ye till 'im, an' maybe he'll lat in a glent upo' ye 'at 'll astonish ye." "He's taen unco little enterest in onything 'at was gaein' on."

"It micht ha' been thoucht a disgrace to the tane or the tither o' 's, my lord maybe to baith." "If you don't learn to curb that tongue of yours, it will bring you to worse." "My lord, I confessed my faut, and I pat up wi' the blow. But if it hadna been that I was i' the wrang weel, things micht hae differt." "Hold your tongue, I tell you. You're an honest, good fellow, and I'm sorry I struck you.

"Richard," said she, thoughtfully, "I wish ye may no hae been getting in voolgar company. Div ye think we hae minds like rinning water?" "And tongues like the mill-clack abune it? Because if ye think sae, captain ye're no far wrang!" Christie. "Na! we hae na muckle gowd maybe; but our minds are gowden vessels." Jean. "Aha! lad." Christie.

The goose-pan is above the roast. The next time ye dance, wit whom ye take by the hand. Use your friend as ye would have him. Unskilfull mediciners, and horse-marshels slayes, both man and beast. Use makes perfectnesse. Well done, soon done. Wonder lasts but nine nights in a Town. We have a craw to pluck. Whatrax my Jo, I ken your coptan. Wrang hes no warrand. Wont beguil'd the Lady.

'Hannah, are yo bad? is there owt wrang wi yo? Then his seeking eye made out a crumpled paper in her left hand, and he knew at once that it must be Davy's letter. Before he could speak again she gave him a push backward with her free hand, and said with an effort: 'Where's t' gell? 'Louie? She's left i' Manchester. A've found Davy, Hannah.

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