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He is not the best Wright that hews the maniest speals. He that evill does, never good weins. Hoordom and grace, can never bide in one place. He that counts all costs, will never put plow in the yeard. He that slayes, shall be slain. He that is ill of his harbery, is good of his way kenning. He that will not when he may, shalt not when he wald. Hanging gangs by hap.

There are many sooth words spoken in bourding. There is na thief without a Resetter. There is many a fair thing full false. There is na man so deaf as he that will not hear. There was never a fair word in flyting. The mouth that lyes, slayes the foul. Trot mother, trot father, how should the foal amble? They were never fain that fidgit. Two fools in ane house, is over many.

When the number is unequal the last one is half free and half slave; and the descendants born of such half slayes and those who are free are quarter slaves. The half slaves, whether or narnamahayes, serve their lords equally every month in turns.

Seldom lies the Devil dead by the dike side. Sike father, sike son. Soft fire makes sweet malt. Sturt payes na Debt. Self do, self ha. Surfeit slayes mae nor the sword, Shame shall fall them that shame thinks, to do themselves a good turn. Shew me the man, and I will shew you the Law. Seek your sauce where you get your Ale. Shro the ghuest the house is the war of. Sokeing sale is best.

The goose-pan is above the roast. The next time ye dance, wit whom ye take by the hand. Use your friend as ye would have him. Unskilfull mediciners, and horse-marshels slayes, both man and beast. Use makes perfectnesse. Well done, soon done. Wonder lasts but nine nights in a Town. We have a craw to pluck. Whatrax my Jo, I ken your coptan. Wrang hes no warrand. Wont beguil'd the Lady.