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Updated: August 9, 2024

She looked at it fondly often with tears in her honest black eyes. "Lor', how well I disremember the night she fust wore it the night of the ball we give to Jineral Jackson when he first come to see old Marster. This flowered silk with pol'naize she wore at the Gov'nor's ball and the black velvet with cut steel I've seed her wearin' at many an' many a dinner here in this very house."

'Ah, weel, ma'am, ca' the bonnie lass what ye like. Now stand up and let me at ye. That's the gown. My word! thae thistles are fine. Hoots! ye needna mind wearin' that gown, auld as ye be. The thistle 'll do its part.

"What's he sendin' naa, I'd like to know?" asked Annie, in a tone of real or feigned indifference. "He's allus wearin' his brass on all maks o' oddments that he's fun i' them mucky trenches, or bowt off uther lads. Nay, tha can oppen it thisen, muther; my hands is all covered wi' suds."

"Ah!" said Steelman, "lumbago, I suppose? My father suffered cruel from it for years." "Naw," said the old man, moving closer to the fence. "It ain't in me back; the trouble's with me leg." "Oh!" said Steelman. "One a bit shorter than the other?" "Well, yes. It seems to be wearin' a bit shorter. I must see to it." "Hip disease, perhaps?" said Steelman. "A brother o' mine had "

Still, it's tarnation hard to be her father not that I'd trade the job for any other in the country, at that." I had to chuckle inward all the way to the house, an' just before we arrived to it I purt' nigh exploded. Here come a figger, heavily veiled an' wearin' a shapeless sort of a dress affair made out of a bedquilt an' draggin' behind on the ground.

"And bring your oldest clothes," warned Jess. "What's that?" demanded Liz. "We just about live in old clothes or in a bathing suit in camp," explained Laura. "Bless your heart!" exclaimed Liz. "I ain't never had nothin' but old clo'es. Been wearin' hand-me-downs ever since I can remember." "My goodness gracious!" said Jess, and she and Laura hurried off for school.

The old gentleman sends heaps of things, and is rather wearin, but means wal, and it aint my place to say nothin. My bread is riz, so no more at this time. I send my duty to Mr. March, and hope he's seen the last of his Pewmonia. Yours respectful, Hannah Mullet Head Nurse of Ward No. 2,

I'm here; and as I said before, I come of a very clever fam'ly. He was a little shabby in his wearin apparil. His coat was one of those black, shiny garments, which you can always tell have been burnished by adversity; but he was very gentlemanly. "Was it in the Crimea, comrade? Yes, it was. It was at the stormin of Sebastopol, where I had a narrow escape from death, that we met."

But when they got uncomfortable then we could turn to and make 'em comfortable again. I ain't arguin' against work needful work, you understand. I like it. And I ain't thinkin' of myself, you know, but about Dorindy. It worries me to see her wearin' herself out with with dustin' and such. It ain't sense and 'tain't good religion.

Its politeness, however, seldom takes the form of reticence; and as she descended she drew a double broadside of neighbourly good-days and congratulations, with audible comments from the back rows on her personal appearance. "Mornin', Mrs Bosenna an' a brave breast-knot you're wearin'!" "Han'some, id'n-a?" "Handsome, sure 'nough!" "Fresh coloured as the day she was wed. . . . Good mornin' ma'am!

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