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The lawyer moistened his lips tentatively before replying. "That would complicate matters very much to all parties concerned. I hope, gentlemen " "An' if thu bill o' sale was made out to me, an' I was to trade it off to Ken, an' he was to tuhn it inter coin an' cache thu dough, what then?" The drawling voice was a sinister purr and somehow the half-shut eyes took on a feline expression.

"Here what come," he said. "I pick 'er up when he done stompin' on 'er. You read 'er, Mist' Bibbs you' ma tell me tuhn 'er ovuh to you soon's you come in." Bibbs read the telegram quickly. It was from New York and addressed to Mrs. Sheridan.

Ah knows we'he gwine to de bottom." The negro crouched down in the bottom of the boat, and the sponge buyer roared at him: "Sit up and watch where we're going, you coward! You know these reefs." "It don' matteh, boss, de vampa tuhn roun' in a minute an' jump on de boat an' smoddeh we all." It was not a pleasant suggestion.

Pappy cut a man, an' de police done kep' him in jail evuh sense Chris'mus-time; but dey goin' tuhn him loose ag'in nex' week." "What'd he cut the other man with?" "Wif a pitchfawk." Penrod began to feel that a lifetime spent with this fascinating family were all too short. The brothers, glowing with amiability, were as enraptured as he.

"Well, Missis," he admitted, "dey say it's natchel to fight wid yo' kin whilst you 're livin', but 'taint natchel ter carry de fight inter de grave-yahd. Dat's whut she done, ma'ams. An' folks is outdone wid 'er, whichin' she ain't lef de Hynds place to de Hyndses, but done tuhn it ovah ter uh ah " "To a Yankee woman named Smith?" "Yessum, dat's it."

"Do I obsehve yu regyarding oweh ’settleahs,’ called settleahs ’cause they nevah settle?" Hank laughed gently, as one who has made a joke meet for ladies. "I’ve known whole famblies to bohn an’ raise right in one of them wagons; and tuhn out a mighty fine, endurin’ lot, too, this hyeh prospectin’ round afteh somethin’ they wouldn’t reco’nize if they met. Gits to be a habit same as drink.

Failing this, he spluttered into rapid-fire speech. "Ah'm not a conch!" he rasped, his voice sounding as rusty as an unused hinge. "Ah'm a Caesar, yo' dirty Yank! Tuhn me loose, yo'! Ah ain't hurt nuthin'." "How did you get in here?" bellowed Milo, advancing threateningly on the youth, and swinging aloft one of his hamlike fists. The intruder stiffened into silence and stolid rigidity.

And now why do you tell us this?" "So that you will kill him for a price." Red laughed harshly. "By Gawd! Madame Dolores Ysobel de Tajeda or Coogan, whatever yuah name is, I'd giv' a better price ef yuh was able to tuhn yuhself into a man fer a couple o' minnits. What d'yuh take us fer, greasers?"

"An' wid dat Mist' Vanrevel, be laff in yo' pa face, an' tuhn to de crowd, he did, an' say: 'You reckon dat if dish yuh man a slave-ownah, an' a slave had anguhed him as I have anguhed him tonight, does any er you b'lieve dat dat slave wouldn' be tied up an' whipped tell de blood run, an' den sole down de rivuh to-morrer?

"Ef I des' tuhn my haid, sumpin' bound ter happen, 'n' happen dat minute! Dar now! You ain' hut er mite, honey, 'n' you's still got de goober fer de squirl. Come mek yo' manners to de gineral!" Released, the two went on. "Have you seen Edward?" "Yes. Three days ago pagan, insouciant, and happy! The men adore him. Fauquier is here to-day." "Oh! I have not seen him for so long "