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They buried the boss herder under a pile of rocks on Lookout Point and planted a cross above him, not for its Christian significance, nor yet because Juan was a good Catholic, but for the Mexicans to look at in the Spring, when the sheep should come to cross. Jim Swope attended to this himself, after the coroner had given over the body, and for a parting word he cursed Jeff Creede.

And I want to tell you right now that no money can hire me to run that ranch another year, not if I've got to smile and be nice to those sons of well, you know what kind of sons I mean that dog-faced Jasper Swope, for instance." He spat vehemently at the mention of the name and led the way to a card room in the rear of the barroom.

But I'd jest like to ask you a question, since you're so smart; how come all us sheepmen kept off your upper range this year?" "Why," said Hardy innocently, "I tried to be friendly and treated you as white as I could, and I suppose " "Yes, you suppose," sneered Swope grimly, "but I'll jest tell you; we wanted you to hold your job." "That's very kind of you, I'm sure," murmured Hardy.

Aye, Swope stared down at us, licking his chops, so to speak, at the sight of our suffering; and we glared back at him, hating and afraid. Then the lady appeared at the poop rail, some paces distant from the Old Man. It was heartening to turn one's eyes from the Old Man's wicked, sneering face to the face of the lady. There was sorrow in that brooding look she gave us, and pity, and understanding.

"I don't know," replied Hardy politely. "Well, supposen I dropped a stick of dynamite under you," burst out Swope hoarsely, "would you jump? Speak up, man, you know what I'm talking about. You don't think you can stand off the whole Sheepmen's Protective Association, do you?

He laughed, but he also elevated his hands above his head to show his unarmed condition and his pacific intent. Then, ignoring the mate, he spoke to Captain Swope. "Am I to consider myself under arrest, Captain?" Swope turned his face to the speaker, and glad I was to be free of his gaze.

Judge Ware has sent him out to be superintendent for the Dos S." "Glad to meet you, sir," said Swope, offering a greasy hand that smelled of sheep dip. "Nice man, the old judge here, umbre, put that bag on straight! Three hundred and fifteen? Well I know a dam' sight better excuse me, boys here, put that bag on again, and weigh it right!"

I am an able seaman, I do my work and enjoy the favor of my watch officer, and both Lynch and the tradesmen revere the lady and hate, while they fear, their master. But in case of a mutiny why, Jack, those fellows aft would unite, and back up Swope in anything he chose to do. Their own safety would depend upon it. He would have his excuse to kill." "But if we win " I commenced.

When he awoke in the morning there was nothing to show for his fierce fight with Swope or his battle with the river nothing but a great weariness and a wistful look in his eyes. But all day while the boys rode back and forth from the river he lay in bed, looking dreamily out through the barred window or following Lucy with furtive glances as she flitted in and out.

He remembered one time running the Easting down in the Josiah T. Flynn, a smart ship, with a reputation, and they were cracking on as they would never dare crack, on in these degenerate days, when, blast his eyes, the Golden Bough came up on them, and passed, and ran away from the poor old Flynn, and Yankee Swope had stood on his poopdeck at the passing, and waved a hawser-end at the Old Man of the Flynn, asking if he wanted a tow.