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Now suppose we stompede the first bunch that comes on our range and scatter 'em to hell that's fif-teen thousand dol-lars gone! God A'mighty, boys, think of losin' that much real money when you're on the make like Jim Swope! W'y, Jim would go crazy, he'd throw a fit and, more than that, fellers," he added, sinking his voice to a confidential whisper, "he'd go round.

"What're you doing in these parts?" "Came down to buy a postage stamp," replied Hardy, following a habit he had of telling the truth in details. "Huh!" grunted Swope. "It's a wonder you wouldn't go to Bender for it that Jew over there might make you a rate!" "Nope," responded Hardy, ignoring the too-evident desire of the Moroni storekeeper to draw him into an argument.

And I could not mistake the meaning in her voice. She disapproved of my killing Captain Swope. I was as shocked as she. Here I had been happy in the consciousness I was playing the hero, I had believed myself cutting a very pretty figure indeed in the lady's eyes, and, instead well, my bubble was pricked. As I looked into the lady's eyes, I could feel my grand dimensions dwindling in my own eyes.

He led the black mule up close and boosted its master into the saddle, but Swope was not content. "Where's that dastard, Jeff Creede?" he demanded. "Well, I wanter see him, that's all. And say, Mr. Smart Alec, I want that gun, too, see?" "Well, you won't get it," said Hardy. "I will that," declared Swope, "'nd I'll git you, too, Willie, before I git through with you.

"Well, I'll tell you," answered Hardy easily. "I thought some white man might come along later and I'd ask him to dinner." He fixed his eyes upon the sheepman with an instant's disapproval and then resumed his cookery. As for Swope, his gray eyes flashed sudden fire from beneath bushy eyebrows, and then a canny smile crept across his lips.

If you want to go up there, that's your privilege and if you want to go out over The Rolls, that's all right, too." "Of course you don't give a dam'!" said Swope satirically. "I guess you know how I feel, all right," returned Hardy, and then he lapsed into silence, while Swope picked his teeth and thought.

"You can turn back them sheep and git off my range!" yelled Creede. "Turn 'em back, I say, or I'll leave my mark on some of you!" "How can I turn 'em back?" argued Swope, throwing out his hands. "They's ninety thousand more behind me, and all headin' through this pass." "You know very well that this is a put-up job," retorted Creede hotly.

'Tis the men in them." I was surprised not to see Captain Swope upon the poop. According to the gossip I had heard at the Knitting Swede's, this eight to twelve watch was Yankee Swope's favorite prowling time. But he did not appear; indeed, he had not shown himself since he had so ignominiously surrendered the deck to Newman. I was not disappointed.

"It is never the way. You must not!" "I must not," I echoed. "Yes, ma'am; I won't do it now. But what how " I floundered and stopped. "What how," aye, that was it. If I did not kill Captain Swope what would happen to Newman? That was the question that hammered against my mind, that sent a wave of sick fear through me. If I did not kill Swope then Newman was lost.