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Updated: January 22, 2025
He, pausing in the doorway, glanced up and down the street, had an impulse to return and take the girl home. Then he smiled satirically at himself. Her lot condemned her to be out in all weathers.
When he came to that point his resentment went higher. He thought of Molly Mackinder, and he heard all too acutely the vague veiled references to her in their satire. By the time Gow Johnson spoke he had mastered himself, however, and had made up his mind. He stood still for a moment. "Now, please, my cue," he said quietly and satirically from the trees near the wings.
"Yes," she said; "though I can't swim. I like to be beaten by the waves. I like to fight against them." She hesitated, then fell definitely back; and he was forced to walk on alone. His wife's companion! With the frown once more scoring the line between his eyes he satirically contrasted Miss Beggs, a servant really, and Emmy.
Here he looked up at me from the careful scrutiny of his nearly flayed pear. "Isn't that so?" "Certainly," I answered "But that's not a 'strange' or original attitude of mind." The corners of his ugly mouth curled satirically. "Pardon me, dear lady, it is!
Wullie, he! he!" And sometimes he would leap to his feet and address his pot-house audience, appealing to them passionately, satirically, tearfully, as the mood might be on him; and his theme was always the same: James Moore, Owd Bob, the Cup, and the plots agin him and his Wullie; and always he concluded with that hint of the surprise to come.
Surely, the Danish Prince 'All-Black' is none else but Hamlet clad in black. In the same scene, the connection between Hamlet and Ophelia also is satirically pulled to pieces. In 'Eastward Hoe' , Jonson and his party do the same in the most indecent and most despicable manner. Nano, praising the sublime virtues of the 'Oglio del Scoto, sings: Would you live free from all diseases?
Sit down, I beg of you!" And he waved his hand towards a chair, thereby displaying the great rings that glittered on his podgy fingers. Beau, however, did not seat himself he only smiled very coldly and contemptuously. "We can discuss the fraternal nature of our relationship afterwards," he said satirically, "Business first.
"My remarks, most noble and puissant Count," said Hillars, bowing, satirically, to the neck of his horse, "I shall confine to the still more noble and puissant Prince of Wortumborg." "This is an unappreciated honor," sneered the Prince. "So it is," replied Hillars, lightly. "When an honest man speaks to you he is conferring an honor upon you which you, as you say, cannot appreciate.
She was as far removed from him as the most alien of the planets; but the magnet shall ever draw the needle, and a woman shall ever draw a man. He knew that it was impossible, that it grew more impossible day by day, and he railed at himself bitterly and satirically. He sighed and teetered his legs. A sigh moves nothing forward, yet it is as essential as life itself.
But do you gather Esther has told other people she is afraid of me, or that she has told you only?" "Why, man," said Choate impatiently, "I tell you I've been her adviser. Our relations are those of client and counsel. Of course she's said it to nobody but me." "Not to Reardon," Jeff's inner voice was commenting satirically. "What would you think if you knew she had said it to Reardon, too?
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