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"I must try it," she insisted, "and if it doesn't go well I can slide off. You can lead her, Lark." The obliging Lark boosted her sister up, and Carol nimbly scrambled into place, riding astride. "I've got to ride this way," she said; "cows have such funny backs I couldn't keep on any other way. If I see any one coming, I'll slide for it." For a while all went well.

I finally did remark that I should like it better if her father would be less belligerent and more peaceful as a neighbor. "You told me, last summer, that you enjoyed keeping up the feud," she reminded, smiling whimsically down at me. She made a wrong play there; she let me see that she did remember some things that I said. It boosted my courage a notch. "But that was last summer," I countered.

They were not accosted as they made their way through the darkened building. They passed noiselessly into the stockade, but there they found that the heavy gates were barred. "Nothing to do but go over the top," whispered Frank. Jack boosted Frank up. Sitting astride the wall, Frank lent the others a helping hand and soon they were over the wall.

Up he climbed from the coop to the shed, carrying his board with him, and down he slid to the ground, time and again, yelling and laughing as he went, until Bud began to be anxious for his turn. When the little fellow was boosted to the shed, he did not make a noise as John Jay had done; he slid in solemn silence and unspoken delight.

I managed to keep up until after midday, when my legs suddenly refused to carry me farther. I told Ward to tomahawk me if he wished, but that I must rest before moving another step. There was no question as to his inclination, for his brown hand fondled his ax most longingly. He dismounted and boosted me on to his horse.

Hutchinson's a queer old fellow and he's had the hardest kind of luck, but he's as proud as they make 'em. Me butt in and offer to pay their passage back, as if they were paupers, just because I've suddenly struck it rich! Hully gee! I guess not. A fellow that's been boosted up in the air all in a minute, as I have, has got to lie pretty low to keep folks from wanting to kick him, anyhow.

The hand which grasped mine wrapped it round and enfolded it till I began to wonder if I'd ever get it out without excavating machinery. "Mr. Wooster, I am gratified I am proud I am honoured." It seemed to me that young Bingo must have boosted me to some purpose. "Oh, ah!" I said. He stepped back a bit, still hanging on to the good right hand. "You are very young to have accomplished so much!"

After the long weeks of the summer holidays it was doubly difficult to apply their minds to lessons, and set to work in the evenings to perform the enormous amount of preparation demanded from them. To some the task was wellnigh impossible, and poor Fil would send in very imperfect exercises, but others, Ingred and Verity among the number, had ambitions, and boosted up the record of the form.

This bombshell, in its turn, had fallen at a time when the market had been 'boosted' beyond its real strength. In the language of the place, a slump was due. Reports from the corn-lands had not been good, and there had been two or three railway statements which had been expected to be much better than they were.

Those who serve will be served; those who knock will be knocked; those who boost will be boosted. We are paid in the coin that we give. We are forgiven as we forgive. If we are friendly, we will make friends. Statistics show that the Church is the greatest factor in the worldly success of men, groups and nations.