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You've listened to that blat until it's a part of ye; you've run with them Mexicans until you're kin to 'em; you're a coward, Jasp Swope, and I always knowed it." He paused again, his eyes glowing with the hatred that had overmastered his being. "My God," he said, "if I could only git you to fight to-day I'd give everything I've got left!"

"Git out of here!" he commanded roughly. "Git, you yap, or I'll burn you up with a bullet! "This is what comes of leavin' your gun off," he grumbled, as he unbound his bed and grabbed up his pistol. But as he stepped out into the open to shoot, his barbarity was checked by a clatter of hoofs and, looking up, he saw Jasper Swope on his big black mule, ambling truculently in across the open.

It was plain that Buddy did mind; nevertheless, he withdrew. When Swope and Lowe arrived, Gray could with difficulty restrain himself from blurting out the reason for his urgent summons, but he contented himself by asking them to wait in the president's office. Henry Nelson entered the bank with his head up, with a contemptuous smile upon his lips and an easy confidence in his bearing.

Kill Swope in fair fight, with chances equal? Newman might do that. But shoot him down like a mad dog, when he was unprepared and perhaps unarmed no, Newman would not do that. Nor would any decent man. I passed another milestone in my evolution into manhood, as I stood there, hangdog and ashamed. I added another "don't" to my list. She brushed back the hair from my forehead.

Swope eyed his companions briefly, then he nodded. "We'll stay." "Then, Mr. Secretary, let her go!" One morning, several days after the annual meeting, Gus Briskow opened the door between his and Gray's office and inquired, "Busy?" The new vice-president of the Security National raised a preoccupied face to the new president and said: "I'm never too busy to talk to you. What is it?" "Nothing!

Gray settin' in yonder at Henry's desk if you are." "I don't see that it makes much difference whether we're willing or not," Swope confessed. "You have the votes, between you, to do about as you choose." "Of course we have, but, with Bell an' Henry gone, it seems like some of their neighbors ought to stay an' look out for what potaters they've left in the ground. What d'you say?"

Of course, I haven't been in the country long, and I don't know much about these matters, but I tried to accommodate you all I could, thinking " "That ain't the point," broke in Swope, smoking fiercely, "I ain't threatening ye, and I appreciate your hospitality but here's the point.

For God's sake, Mister what's the matter there on deck?" Oh, he was worried, was Swope. It showed in his voice; for once his tone was not full and musical, it was shrill and screechy. He was sorely shaken, madly anxious to save his faithful jackal; the Eliminator had not planned Fitzgibbon's removal. Thoughts, questions, rushed through my mind.

There was Swope, standing palsied and impotent, with a growing terror in his face. "Go for'ard, lads! Go below! Come up here, Lynch! Not another blow, men for'ard with you!" The frozen figures on the deck came to life. There was a murmur, a shuffling of feet, and Lynch lowered his great club. But it was an obedient noise. From one quarter came the single note of dissent.

But mebby you'd like a bite to eat before we git down to business?" He waved a deprecating hand at the greasy canvas, and Hardy swung quickly down from his saddle. "Thanks. But don't let me keep you from your dinner. Here's where I break even with Jim Swope for all that grub I cooked last Spring," he remarked, as he filled his plate.