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So that evening Jeff fortified himself and increased the cook's hope by a succession of psalm-tunes in which there was no lapse toward the "debil's" music. Next morning, after a long sleep, Jeff's nerves were stronger, and he began to take a high hand with conscience. "Dat ar soger has hab his chance," he reasoned. "Ef he want de box he mus' 'a' com arter it las' night.

I'se deeply mort'fied dat dis should happen. You'll bar me witness dat I tried to save you from all 'noyance. I know dis man, pointin' to a soger dat stood near, 'an' I'll put him in dis hall on guard. His orders are you hear dem not to let any one come in de hall, an' not to let any one leabe dis room.

Soon a gruff voice said, 'Halt! I guv de password mighty sudden, an' den said, 'I want to see Cap'n Lane. De man call anoder soger, an' he come an' question me, an' den took me ter de cap'n. An' he was a-sleepin' as if his moder had rocked 'im! But he was on his feet de moment he spoke to. He 'membered me, an' ask ef de mawnin' wouldn't answer.

The captain was too "wide awake" for him, and beginning upon him at once, gave him a grand blow-up, in true nautical style "You're a lazy, good-for-nothing rascal; you're neither man, boy, soger, nor sailor! you're no more than a thing aboard a vessel! you don't earn your salt! you're worse than a Mahon soger!" and other still more choice extracts from the sailor's vocabulary.

A negro was leaning against the counter, and of him Frank inquired "Boy, do you belong here?" "No, sar," he answered, indignantly; "I 'longs nowhar. I'se a free man, I is. I'se a soger." "Never been in this town before?" "No, sar." Frank left the store, and walked slowly up the street toward the hotel, wondering where he could go to make inquiries concerning the man whom he wished to find.

It's noa an inn, but the colonel zees company vor the vun o' the thing 'cause he loikes to zee company about 'un. You must 'a heard ov him Colonel Rogers a' used to be a soger once." "Say no more," cried the major. "I have heard of this hospitable gentleman; and his having been in the army gives me a sure claim to his attention. Here's a crown for your information, my good friend.

We know Ray is safely off, but Wayne and his men have no such comfort, for, for hours the Indians shout their taunts of "Catch white soger; eat 'um heart," and in their deep anxieties many of the men seem ready to believe it. To tell the truth, Wayne has hard work keeping up the pluck and spirits of some of the men, and towards morning the sufferings of the wounded are more than he can bear.

Better, indeed: since I stood in need of some stimulus to arouse me to an attitude, even of defence. This thought swaying me, I called out: "Holt! you are a brave man. I know it. Why should this go on? It is not too late " "You air a coward!" cried he, interrupting me, "an' I know it a sneakin' coward, in spite o' yur soger clothes!

"If you know what I came for better than I do, suppose you tell me what it is," added Tom, who was a little mystified by the manner of the man. "You air one of them soger fellers, and you want me to 'list; but I tell yer, ye can't do nothin' of the sort. I'll be dog derned if I'll go." "I don't want you to go," protested Tom. "I'm half starved and all I want is something to eat."

O S'wanee, S'wanee, our fren's is walkin' right inter a trap. Den she run to de winder an' open it ter see ef she couldn't git down, an' dere in de garden was a soger, a-walkin' up an' down a-watchin'. 'We jes' can't do nuffin', she said, an' she 'gan to sob an' go 'sterical-like.