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Lame as I be, I'd walk to Opinquake to give her a hint in her choosin'. Guess Hi Woodbridge is right, and she wouldn't be long in making up her mind betwixt a soger and a cook a mighty poor one at that. Somehow or nuther I must let her know before Zeke Watkins sneaks home and parades around as a soldier 'bove ditch-digging. I've taken his measure.

We was kep' under guard, an' dere was a Yankee soger a-keepin' de light burnin' arter we knew Cap'n Lane was aroun' an' ready. Missy Roberta look sharp at me, but I 'peared innercent as a sheep. Missy S'wanee say: 'No matter, Major Denham, you did all dat a brave man could do, an' dar's my colors. You hab won dem. An' den he cheer up 'mazin'ly.

Can you remember any of their nonsense? not that it is worth remembering, I'll be bound." "Let me see. Well, Squire Hammersley, he said you owned to dreaming of Squire Neville, and that was a sign of love, said he; and, besides, you sided with him against t'other. But the old soger, he said you called Squire Gaunt 'Griffith'; and he built on that.

Den we hear 'im go to a wes' room back ob de house wid anoder soger, an' soon he come back alone, an' den de house all still 'cept de eben tread ob de man outside. Missy Roberta clasp her han's an' look wild. Den she whisper to Missy S'wanee, an' dey seem in great trouble. Den she go an' open de doah an' say to de soger dat she want ter go ter her room. 'You cannot, lady, said de soger.

"Good," was the answer, "Winnebeg always ready to do him order no angry more, gubbernor, with young chief," pointing to the ensign, as he moved off with his small guard. "Dam good soger you see dis?" and he touched his scalping-knife with his left hand, and looked very significantly. "No, Winnebeg, not angry any more," was the reply; "but how do you know him to be good soger?

De Linkum soger dat had been in de house was now helpin' guard de pris'ners, an' Missy Roberta an' Missy S'wanee run up to de ossifer dat had been so fooled an' say: 'We'se couldn't help it. Somebody 'trayed us.

'You heared my orders. 'I'll only stay a minute, she say. 'You cannot pass dat doah, said de soger. 'But I mus' an' will, cried Missy Roberta, an' she make a rush ter get out. De soger held her still. 'Unhan' me! she almost screamed. He turn her 'roun' an' push her back in de room, an' den says: 'Lady, does you tink a soger can disobey orders?

She was soon pointed out, and a titter ran through the whole line: at last, as the major approached, she called out "I say, soger, what are you doing here? keep off, or I'll put a bullet in your jacket." "My good woman," replied the major, while his men laughed, "we do not want to hurt you, but you must surrender." "Surrender!" cried Moggy, "who talks of surrender? hoist the colours there."

In going to the run Uncle Lusthah and his assistants had to pass somewhat near the house, and so were intercepted by Perkins and Whately, both eager to employ at once the tactics resolved upon. "Where the devil are you goin' with those men and shovels?" shouted Perkins. "We gwine ter dig a grabe fer a Linkum soger down by de run," replied Uncle Lusthah quietly.

If that is not your notion, I wonder why you keep it on for." "Ladyfield!" cried the Paymaster. "There was no notion further from my mind. Farming, for all Duke George's reductions, is the last of trades nowadays. I think I told you plain enough that we meant to make him a soger." MacGibbon shrugged his shoulders. "If you did I forgot," said he. "It never struck me. A soger? Oh, very well.