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Updated: August 27, 2024

I hope they are all where they kin look down and see how we got it on the secesh hell-hounds. We'll do 'em up worse yit before we're through with 'em." "Our batteries are improvin' wonderfully," commented the more practical Si, studying the field. "They seem to've socked every shell in just where it'd do the most good.

We can none of us go about smacking innocent folks just for the fun of it. Everybody would be shocked and horrified." "Socked and hollified," echoed little Fay, delighted with the new words, "socked and hollified!... What nelse?" "What usually follows is that the disagreeable little girl gets smacked herself." "No," said Fay, but a thought doubtfully. "No," more firmly.

"Well, good or bad, I never killed his daddy," he returned. "I saw Owen Bennett when he done it, but him an' Sandy socked it off on me. I got life an' Owen got ten years.... There ain't no makin' him own up he done it, air there, Orn?" "Nope," mumbled the fisherman. "Most men won't take life sentence by confessin' when by keepin' still they c'n git off with ten years." "Mr.

When I came back over they were gone." O'Malley shook his head. "Think anyone would believe such a yarn?" Stan asked. "Every bomber pilot and crew member would believe it," Allison said grimly. "Why don't you report it and ask for a chance to check up?" "I've already gone over the head of Sim Jones once and got socked for it," Stan said. "But O'Malley ought to report it."

That was all the conversation there was, but just then the short fat man ran his thumb down inside the shirt collar of the yellow fever germ, and jerked him so high that I could see the nails on the bottoms of his boots. Then, with the other hand, he socked the young lady into his seat, and took hold of a strap, where he hung on white and mad, but victorious.

The Turks seemed to melt and vanish under the concentrated storm of fire. Not one reached the trench. 'Socked 'em that time, remarked Dave, with great satisfaction. 'Sure, that was only the overture! answered O'Brien. 'They were just thrying their luck, so to spake. Again he was right.

"We old mossbacks are slow to see anything good in new contraptions," said Mr. Larkin, after begging a Turkish cigarette from the Dude and lighting it with the Dude's patent pocket lamp, "but I'm just beginning to get it socked home into my feeble old intellect that things ain't naturally no account just because I never seen 'em afore.

This romance in Doggie's life had moved her as she thought she could never be moved since the death of Oliver. Her thoughts winged themselves back to an afternoon, remote almost as her socked and sashed childhood, when Doggie, immaculately attired in grey and pearl harmonies, had declared, with his little effeminate drawl, that tennis made one so terribly hot.

Then he, too, made a sudden grimace. "Don't stand there making faces," snapped the citizen, bad-humouredly. "If you've come to burgle why don't you do it? There's some stuff lying around." "'Scuse me," said the burglar, with a grin; "but it just socked me one, too. It's good for you that rheumatism and me happens to be old pals. I got it in my left arm, too.

"What would you have done if they'd socked it to you?" was the answer Longley made. "I never thought I'd lay in a bush to stick up a train," remarked Merwin; "but a call loan's different. A call's a call with me. We've got twelve hours yet, Bill, before this spy jumps onto you. We've got to raise them spondulicks somehow. Maybe we can Great Sam Houston! do you hear that?"

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