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"I ain't going to, 'sociate with the Cottons," said Dora loftily. "The Cottons are all right," retorted Davy. "And they have far better times than we have. They do just as they please and say just what they like before everybody. I'm going to do that, too, after this." "There are lots of things you wouldn't dare say before everybody," averred Dora. "No, there isn't." "There is, too.

He used to be a merry and cheerful fellow, but since they named him 'hippocampus' he hasn't smiled once." "Let's go," said Trot. "I don't like to 'sociate with octopuses." "OctoPI," said the creature, again correcting her. "You're jus' as horrid whether you're puses or pies," she declared. "Horrid!" cried the monster in a shocked tone of voice. "Not only horrid, but horrible!" persisted the girl.

"That's the kind of talk I like a man to spit out," cried a huge black ruffian who sat near us, bringing his hand down upon his table with so much good will that a cup before him spilled out half its contents. "I like to 'sociate with men who have pluck, and know what they is about.

"You certainly must find some difference between the company in London and that of the warrant officers." "It's many years back now, sir; but I can't get over the feeling. I can't 'sociate with them at all. A man may have the feelings of a gentleman, although in a humble capacity; but how can I be intimate with such people as Mr Dispart or Mr Muddle, the carpenter?

Ben remonstrated with her, and she answered him: "No, suh! I ain' goin' 'sociate wid slaves! I's free!" "But you cuttin' out yo' own husban'." "Dat's diff'ent. I's jined to my husban'." And then petulantly: "I do wish you'd hu'y up an' git yo' free papahs, Ben." "Dey'll be a long time a-comin'," he said; "yeahs f'om now. Mebbe I'd abettah got mine fust."

Pepper, surnamed the Long. The latter, however, while he obliged the heir to the Mug, never condescended to enter that noted place of resort; and the former, whenever he good-naturedly opened his purse-strings, did it with a hearty caution to shun the acquaintance of Long Ned, "a parson," said Dummie, "of wery dangerous morals, and not by no manner of means a fit 'sociate for a young gemman of cracter like leetle Paul!"

"Not that I'd be willin' for my Elma Ann to 'sociate with a girl that's gone wrong. Maybe it's sorter different with a minister's sister. Ministers' families has to 'sociate out o' charity an' religion; go to pray with 'em, an' that, an' read the Scripture to make 'em sense their sinfulness an' the danger they're in." But Margery did not pray with Susan Chapman, or read the Bible to her.

That man tells me your folks live 'way down in little old Hencoop Alley, where there are no sidewalks, and the goats eat off the table with you. "That kid was almost crying now. ''Taint so, he splutters. 'He he don't know what he's talking about. We live on Poplar Av'noo. I don't 'sociate with goats. What's the matter with you? "'Poplar Avenue, says I, sarcastic. 'Poplar Avenue!

Hank got the buck's name outen a book where it said in slick soundin' poetry as how Belshazzar was king an' Belshazzar waz lord. Thet buck were sure the mos' uppity critter! Nuthin' waz good enuf fer him to sociate with and he herded by hisself mos'ly. He waz allus on thu prod, stompin' aroun' darin' thu other critters to fite.

The Colonel was a great friend of her folks down to Greenville; they visited here. Law, no, she didn't live here. Was just up here spending the summer, for her health. God-forsaken lot of people up here, poor trash. She wouldn't stay here a day, but the Colonel was a friend of her folks, the firstest folks in Greenville. Nobody round here she could 'sociate with.