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God knows I ain't got no use fur it." He threw the pike down and brushed his hands as if to get rid of the contagion of its touch. "You're safe," Lee added. "The United States Marines are in command of Harper's Ferry now." "Yassah. De Lawd knows I doan wanter 'sociate wid no slu-footed, knock-kneed po' whites. I'se er ristercrat, I is. Yassah, dat's me!" "I'm glad to help you, uncle."

She's just as likely as not to marry some lawyer or some other shark that's after her dough." "Yes, she may." "No, I don't reckon much she'll ever come back. She ain't got nothing to look back to here but hard times and shootin' scrapes nobody to 'sociate with and wear low-neckid dresses like women with money want to." "Not much chance for it here you're right."

"The reason she ain't much company," went on Aunt Sally, "is because well, I don't know as I ought to say it, but I guess she thinks she's too sort of high-toned to 'sociate with the person who keeps her boarding-house!" Aunt Sally laughed, an amused, throaty little chuckle at this, and then the worried frown came back.

And give my compliments to your 'sociate, and say, if he prosecutes this here hurchin any more, we'll settle his bizness for him; and so take a hint and make yourself scarce, old boy!" With that Mr. Sharp jumped into the barouche, and bade the postboy drive on as fast as he could.

Been on the back o' one o' 'em hosses?" said D'ri, telling of it a long time after. "'D ruther o' been shet up 'n a barrel with a lot o' cats 'n' rolled downhill. Good deal better fer my health, an' I 'd 'a' luked more like a human bein' when I come out. Them fellers they did n't luk fit t' 'sociate with nuthin' er nobody when we led 'em up t' the house nut one on 'em."

It's conscience cotton, Thomas Jefferson. I've explained before, but I don't know's you understood. It seems a little unpolite to wear it in my ears, with you here keeping me comp'ny. I s'pose you think it's un unsociable. But Aunt Olivia doesn't allow me to 'sociate with the Tony Trumbullses. Oh, Thomas Jefferson, I wish she'd allow me to 'sociate!"

I owe him somethin' for showin' me my duty an' I'm lookin' to you to pay the interest on my bill till I get back with them poor kids o' mine. Until then I guess I ain't fit to 'sociate with white men." Mr. McGuffey appeared on the point of weeping and put his arm around his old comrade in silent sympathy. Presently Mr.

See Nouveau Dictionaire Historique, Ou Histoire abregee, &c. par une Sociate' de gens de Letres 6mo. "For when it is demonstrated that Madog, a Prince of Cambria, with some of his Nation, discovered and inhabited some Lands in the West, and that his Name and Memory are still retained among them, scarcely any doubt remains."

"I hope he thinks I am," said Miss Trevor, amused. "Oh, he does! He wouldn't have gone away and left us alone if he didn't. Stephen is very particular who he lets me 'sociate with. Why, even the rock people now I had to promise I'd never let the Twin Sailors swear before he'd allow me to be friends with them.

"You certainly must find some difference between the company in London and that of the warrant officers." "It's many years back now, sir; but I can't get over the feeling. I can't 'sociate with them at all." Two or three days after this conversation with Mr Chucks, the captain ran the frigate in shore; and when within five miles, we discovered two vessels under the land.