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I would face her, all protest. "Didn't I tell you, Sis, that I couldn't eat a mouthful? Not a mouthf um-m-m-m! How perfectly scrumptious that looks! What's that affair in the lettuce leaf? Oh, can't I begin on that divine-looking pinky stuff in the tall glass? H'm? Oh, please!" "I thought " Norah would begin; and then she would snigger softly.

Aunt Tommy is the prettiest girl I ever saw. If Jill is half as good-looking when she gets to be twenty she's only ten now, same age as I am, we're twins I shall be proud of her for a sister. Aunt Tommy is all white and dimpled. She has curly red hair and big jolly brown eyes and scrumptious freckles. I do like freckles in a girl, although Jill goes wild if she thinks she has one on her nose.

When a man has spent his life in Wall Street it's bound to show some in his face, of course; but what comfort has that man ever known?" "Pretty scrumptious place he's got here in this park, I notice," returned the new coachman. "Yes, he has a breath of fresh air before he goes to the city and after he gets back every day. Isn't that Essex Maid of his a beauty?" Mrs.

Inside, with my legs under the greasy, coverless table, I chewed the jerk like one who was determined to give his jaws the benefit of strenuous physical culture, and listened while Oram rattled on, with his mouth full of the sodden, half-baked biscuits. "You mightn't think it," said he, "but three years ago this here was the most scrumptious camp on the hull flume.

Ford looked at Mollie and Betty, "and I'll arrange with Ted Franklin and his wife." "Of course we'll go, Daddy!" cried Grace, dancing about the room. "It will be just lovely; won't it, girls?" "Scrumptious!" agreed Mollie. "I'm sure I can go!" declared Betty. "Now let's go tell poor Amy!" "Yes, I think the change will do her good," said Mr. Ford, reflectively.

It had made him penurious and dull and iron-muscled; had stifled all the slender flowers of his nature; yet there was warm soil somewhere hid in his heart. "It's snowin' like all p'sessed," he remarked finally. "I guess we'll have a sleigh ride tomorrow. I calc'late t' drive y' daown in scrumptious style. If yeh must leave, why, we'll give yeh a whoopin' old send-off-won't we, Tukey?

If I went out as cook now, I shouldn't have to feed the family on birthday cake, for I can make perfectly scrumptious little baking-powder biscuit, and my salad dressing is a joy forever. I can do other things, of course, but these are my specialties. Oh, and I can make a maple fudge that just melts in your mouth.

She slid her hand through Cecil's arm, drawing her forward. "Come along! Come along! Let's hurry to Fuller's before all the tables are taken!" "Fuller's? Tea? How scrumptious! Just what I longed for. Listening to classical music is thirsty work!" Cecil replied, laughing. She was so lively, so natural and unconcerted that Claire absolved her on the moment from any arrangement as to a rendez-vous.

"G'long, Billy," she said, contemptuously. "He ain' no probable. He jes' Mammy's own li'l' chile, if he is growed so tall!" Edgar was crying too, and laughing at the same time. "Howdy, Uncle Billy," said he, stretching a hand to the old man as soon as he could extricate himself from Mammy's embrace. "My, my, you do look scrumptious! How's the rheumatiz?" "Now jes' heah dat!

"How much might you reckon that-all to be?" Ans Handerson did not look up as he replied, "Ay tank fafty ounces." "You must be scrumptious rich, then, eh?" Still Ans Handerson kept his head down, absorbed in putting in the fine touches which wash out the last particles of dross, though he answered, "Ay tank Ay ban wort' five hundred t'ousand dollar."