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We went in to an island for dinner, and, the wind increasing, we were obliged to remain there for the rest of the day. All our baking-powder was gone, and we were reduced to "grease bread," i.e., flat cakes of flour and water fried in pork fat. They make a good substitute for bread, but are rather greasy.

Add the yolks of 6 eggs beaten, 1/2 cup of seeded raisins and some chopped citron, a pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon. Mix in 1/2 pound of sifted flour and 1/2 teaspoonful of baking-powder. Add the whites, beaten to a stiff froth; put in a buttered pudding-mold, and let boil until done. Serve with brandy sauce. German Stewed Brains. Clean the brains.

One pound of real honey, not jar; one cup of granulated sugar, four eggs, one tablespoon of allspice, three tablespoons of salad-oil, four cups of flour, well sifted; three teaspoons of baking-powder. Warm up or heat honey, not hot, just warm. Rub yolks well with sugar, beat whites to a froth, then mix ingredients, add flour and bake in moderate oven for one hour. HONEY CAKES, No. 2

To the top strap fasten the string of the nose-bag, a calico bag about the size of a pillowslip, containing the tea, sugar and flour bags, bread, meat, baking-powder and salt, and brought, when the swag is carried from the left shoulder, over the right on to the chest, and so balancing the swag behind.

Let boil well; then thicken with the yolks of 2 beaten eggs and pour over the fish. Serve cold. Garnish with lemon-slices and olives. Spanish Cake. Beat 1 pound of butter with 1 pound of sugar to a cream. Add the yolks of 8 eggs well beaten. Sift 1 pound of flour with 2 teaspoonfuls of baking-powder and stir together with 1 cup of milk.

Rub in two tablespoons of butter, mix with milk to soft dough. Roll out one-half inch thick, spread with soft butter, granulated sugar, and powdered cinnamon. Roll up like jelly roll, cut in inch slices, lay close together in greased pan, and bake in quick oven. Sift together two cups of flour, two teaspoons of baking-powder, one-half teaspoon of salt, one tablespoon of sugar.

Isabelle made a great point of dinner, having it served formally by two maids, with five courses and at least one wine, "to get used to living properly," as she explained vaguely. "Mrs. Adams called." She was the wife of the manager of the baking-powder works and president of the country club, a young married woman from a Western city with pretensions to social experience.

The boys washed the old fishing boat and packed the equipment and provisions for the voyage. Margaret baked three big loaves of white bread, and as a special treat a loaf of plum bread. The remaining provisions consisted of tea, a bottle of molasses for sweetening, flour, baking-powder, fat salt pork, lard, margarine, salt and pepper.

To all appearance they were engaged, Quick in sorting pound tins of tobacco or baking-powder, and Orme in testing an electric battery and carefully examining coils of insulated wire. "What's your game?" asked the Professor. "Better than yours, old boy, when Satan taught your idle hands to punch Shadrach's head. But perhaps you had better put that pipe out.

But Jefferson Creede held steadily to his fixed ideas, and in the end he turned out some baking-powder biscuits that would have won honors in a cooking school.