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But Mr Orgreave was not a woman; he was a man of the world, he was almost the man of the world; and the subject of his adjective was a window! "Why are they boarding it up, Mr Orgreave?" Edwin asked. "Oh! Ancient lights! Ancient lights!" Edwin began to snigger.

A snigger ran through the group; and then, towering above them, and steadying himself by the hand-rail in a desperate effort at erectness, Mr. Royall stepped stiffly ashore. Like the young men of the party, he wore a secret society emblem in the buttonhole of his black frock-coat.

As a study in expression it is amazingly clever: and it must be a painful and melancholy respect for the cloth which can suppress the smile which it summons. Even an Archbishop will scarce forbear to snigger!

That's why he made you handle it in his presence and mine." "Well, Winnie," said Audrey, "I think you might have told him all that while he was here, instead of letting him go off so triumphant." "I did begin to," said Miss Ingate with a snigger. "But you wouldn't back me up, you little coward." "I shall never be a coward again!" Audrey said violently. They read the will together.

"I beg that you will not touch me with your filthy hands," remarked our prisoner, as the handcuffs clattered upon his wrists. "You may not be aware that I have royal blood in my veins. Have the goodness also, when you address me, always to say 'sir' and 'please." "All right," said Jones, with a stare and a snigger.

A half-smothered laugh answered him. Even the exigencies of a poker hand could not quite crush out the natural humor of these men, who always followed on the golden trail of the pioneers. "Say, what's your bizness?" demanded another voice presently. "Restin'!" the man on the veranda answered easily. The shuffle of cards and rattle of chips came with a snigger.

"That's all right, then," sneered Coke. "Watts don't mind 'em gray. They're old messmates of his. It's w'en they're pink or green that he fights shy of 'em." "I hate rats of any sort " began Watts hotly, spurred to anger by an audible snigger among the men, but De Sylva stopped his protest peremptorily. It was idiotic, this bantering when the next half hour might be their last.

"Do you mind turning out at the old milling ground at seven sharp to-morrow morning?" "The mornings are chilly," said Acton, with a snigger. "Besides, I don't really see what pressing obligation I'm under to turn out at that time for the poor pleasure of knocking you down." "I never thought you were a coward." "How charitable!" "But we must bring you to book somehow. Will you fight now?"

"It is nothing to snigger about," growled Briggerland savagely. "If I didn't laugh I should do something more emotional," said the girl coolly. "To think that that fool should go back and make the attempt single-handed. I never imagined that." "Faire tells me that he's not expected to live," said Mr. Briggerland. He rubbed his bald head irritably. "I wonder if that lunatic is going to talk?"

"Let us move on; we stop the way, and those idle lads are listening to us, and sniggering." "Sniggering!" exclaimed the gentle helpmate. "I should like to see those who presume for to snigger;" and as she spoke, she threw a look of defiance around her. Then, having thus satisfied her resentment, she prepared to obey, as no doubt she always did, her lord and master.