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"Do you remember the tents at Coney Island in summer, where a regular wooden circus procession goes round in a ring, keeping time to the music?" asked Leo. "Yes, and by paying five cents you can take your choice, and ride on a zebra or a lion or a big gold ostrich, or anything that's there. And once we chose a scrumptious boat, all blue and silver, and drawn by two swans," responded Jim.

I vote we ask to bring tea up here, and have a Valentine party. Don't you think it would be rather scrumptious? I've all sorts of ideas in my head." "Topping!" agreed Dulcie, pausing in the act of tying her hair ribbon to consider the important question, "specially if we could get Miss Walters to let us send to Glazebrook for a few cakes. I believe she would, if we wheedled!"

Saxon was certain she did know, but she shook her head. She wanted to hear him say it. "Why, the second Sunday I knew you, when we drove out to Moraga Valley behind Prince and King. You spread the lunch that day." "Only it was a more scrumptious lunch," she added, with a happy smile. "But I wonder why we didn't have coffee that day," he went on.

But on the way to the hotel in the automobile they had passed the Capitol, with the wonderful lights showing on the dome, making it look as though it had taken a bath in moon-beams. "Oh, it's just lovely here!" exclaimed Nan, with a happy little sigh as they went down to supper, or "dinner" as it is generally called, even though it is eaten at night. "Scrumptious!" agreed Bert.

"You are altogether taken up with Aneta." "Oh, and with school generally," said Cicely, "it is all so splendid. But come, we are alone in the room, and losing some of our delightful leisure hours." "Don't bother about accounts," said Kitty; "there's heaps of money left in the bag. Wasn't it scrumptious of old Mags to put a whole sovereign in? And I know she is not rich, the dear old precious!"

The captain managed to screw out a phantom smile. "Here's Old Man Destiny again," said he to Herrick, "but this time I guess he's kicked the door right in." Herrick only shook his head. "O Lord, it's rich!" laughed Huish. "It would really be a scrumptious lark if it 'ad 'appened to somebody else! And what are we to do next? O, my eye! with this bloomin' schooner, too?"

Under the witching moonlight he began to manifest tendencies to sentiment and tenderness. Her response was prompt: "Go 'long! what dese common niggah ways got ter do wid a 'liance? Yer show me de gole in dat box dat's de bargain. Den de 'liance hole me fas', an' I'll help yer spen' de money in Washin'on. We'll hab a weddin' scrumptious as white folks. But, law sakes!

Roy's favourite sin and always told you to "Look in the dictionary" when you found a scrumptious new word and wanted to hear all about it. The dictionary, indeed! Roy privately regarded it as one of the many mean evasions to which grown-ups were addicted.

"What is it?" "Maybe Tom will be there. Good old Tom! Just think I haven't seen him since we left home. Won't it be just scrumptious to see old Tom again?" And Ruth Fielding really thought it would be. So on the morning following the feast-day there were two wagonettes waiting at the entrance to the Briarwood grounds to take the girls two miles by road to a certain boathouse on Triton Lake.

It ran: "DEAREST GUARDY, I'm sorry this is such a mangy little valentine; I couldn't go out to get it because I've got a beastly cold, so I asked Jock, and the pig bought this. The satin is simply scrumptious. If you don't come and see me in it some time soon, I shall come and show it to you.