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Why the very sight of the Yankee gals is good for sore eyes, the dear little critters! They do look so scrumptious, I tell you, with their cheeks bloomin' like a red rose budded on a white one, and their eyes like Mrs. It fairly makes one's mouth water to think on 'em. But it's no use talkin', they are just made critters that's a fact, full of health and life and beauty.

Great gray and black gulls screamed against the jackdaws; the heavy-scented acres of bloom round them were alive with low-nesting birds, singing or silent as the shadow of the wheeling hawks passed and returned; and on the naked turf across the combe rabbits thumped and frolicked. "Whew! What a place! Talk of natural history; this is it," said Stalky, filling himself a pipe. "Isn't it scrumptious?

He is absolutely a new man in every way, and it is all due to your confidence and encouragement." He found himself without available response. She sat down in the revolving desk-chair and picked up a pen and pretended to write. "It is simply 'scrumptious!" she laughed, merrily. "Oh, I should like " she stopped abruptly, stood up, and looked at the door. "I must be going.

"It was all perfectly scrumptious," Babe wrote Babbie enthusiastically, "and I'm bringing you a little white satin slipper like those we had filled with puffed rice for luncheon favors, and a lovely pin that Miss Hale wants you to have just as if you had come. The nicest thing of all is that vacation isn't over yet. Is it two weeks or two years since I saw you?" And next came Bohemia.

I am in love. It is the most scrumptious thing I have ever been in. Perfectly magnificent! Every time I think of it I feel as if I were going down an elevator forty floors and my heart flippity-flops so my teeth mortify me.

Rilla had, without any warning, brought her a war-baby once upon a time. Was she now, with equal suddenness, going to produce a husband? "Yes, a wedding-cake a scrumptious wedding-cake, Susan a beautiful, plummy, eggy, citron-peely wedding-cake. And we must make other things too. I'll help you in the morning.

"Well, girls," began Laura gamely, breathing a little hard. "But, mind, you must never utter a word of what I'm going to tell you. It's a dead secret, and IF you let on " "S' help me God!" "Ananias and Sapphira!" "Oh, DO hurry up." "Well ... well, he's just the most oh, I don't know how to say it, girls the MOST " "Just scrumptious, I suppose, eh?" "Just positively scrumptious, and ..."

"Oh, ain't he jest grand!" cried Jim, his eyes shining with delight. "He suah is a gay fellow all right," said Mandy. Liza Ann reached up and pulled one of the Clown's strings. Quickly his legs jiggled and he cut some funny capers. "Oh, my! Dat suah is scrumptious!" laughed the little colored girl. "Oh, Mammy, jest let us play with him a little while!" begged Jim.

I actually flattered myself that I had conquered a peace. "I want to ride with you as far as Crofton's," he added. "I have been very busy getting ready, and haven't had time to black my boots yet. It's a pretty stylish party I'm going to, and I want to look as scrumptious as any of them. Will you black them for me? I'll be much obliged to you if you will."

"I'd heard of London" Algernon soon had the hated voice in his ears, "and I've bin up to London b'fore; I came here to have a wink at the fash'nables hang me, if ever I see such a scrumptious lot. It's worth a walk up and down for a hour or more. D' you come heer often, sir?" "Eh? Who are you? Oh!" said Algernon, half mad with rage. "Excuse me;" and he walked faster.