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"But indeed you must, my love we must live up to our altered position and submit with what grace we may to its requirements." "Well, all right, have it your own way; I've never set my wishes against your commands yet, Mul my lord, and it's late to begin now, though to my mind it's the rottenest foolishness that ever was." "Spoken like my own true wife! There, kiss and be friends again."

For the moment Campbell Pope made no reply. Meanwhile a great wave of singing flooded the regions at the back of the theater as the curtain rose and the chorus broke into sudden sound. When he did speak it was with unusual bitterness. "It's the rottenest business in the world, Slosson. Two years ago she was a country girl; now she's a Broadway belle. How long will she last, d'you think?"

There are half a dozen machine gunners who have nothing to do with company work; half a dozen men and a quartermaster-sergeant attached to the transport to look after the horses and to flirt with girls in farms; two mess waiters whose job it is to feed the officers; and there are four men who have the rottenest time of anyone they're the miners who burrow and dig, dig and burrow day and night towards the German lines; poor half-naked fellows who wheel little trucks of earth to the pit shaft or who lie on their stomachs working away with picks.

Accordingly he had Carthew aft, explained what was to be done with anxious patience, and visited along with him the various sheets and braces. "I hope I'll remember," said Carthew. "It seems awfully muddled." "It's the rottenest kind of rig," the captain admitted: "all blooming pocket-handkerchiefs! and not one sailor-man on deck! Ah, if she'd only been a brigantine now!

For the first time a flash of fire came from the pungy captain's black cherries of eyes, and his huge broad face of swarthy color expressed its full Oriental character: "The last time I saw you, Joe Johnson, was not a-lurking in Judge Custis's kitchen fur no good, nor a-insultin' of the Judge's t'other visitor, Milburn of the steeple-top: it was a-huggin' the whippin'-post on the public green of Georgetown, State of Delaware, an' the sheriff a-layin' of it over your back; an' after he sot you up in the pillory I took the rottenest egg I could git, an' I bust it right on the eye where that nigger bruised you yisterday!"

A man who is stuck on himself doesn't last long, it matters not how good the stuff is that he sells. Yet, once in a while he lifts up his bristles. "Well, sir, a few seasons ago I sold a man you all know who I mean about half of his spring bill, amounting to $600. He gave the other half to one of the rottenest lines that comes out of this country.

The trouble is that too many trusts start wrong. A lot of these fellows take a strong, sound business idea the economy of cost in manufacture and selling and hitch it to a load of the rottenest business principle in the bunch the inflation of the value of your plant and stock , and then wonder why people hold their noses when their outfit drives down Wall Street.

And, again, any government, however good, however bad, is but a small factor in the life of a people; it comes far below many other things in importance. A short rainfall for a year is more disastrous than a mad king; a plague is worse than fifty grasping governors; social rottenness is incomparably more dangerous than the rottenest government.

"A French song," Connie said solemnly. "Not a word of the blessed thing could we understand, and yet we were all hugging ourselves. Not pretty either a mere bone and a yank of hair and no more voice than a sparrow. But you just went along too. Couldn't help it. And afterwards we played up as though we liked it, and hadn't been plugging at the rottenest show in England for the last ten weeks.

That overcoat cost me eight hundred dollars; but the collar ain't so high but what I can see over it. I taught myself to dance, and I put in most of nine years at it before I shook a foot in public. But I had genius. I didn't go too far wrong in teaching myself as you've done. You've got the rottenest method and style of anybody I ever saw."