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Updated: August 18, 2024

Wot do you say to an early start to-morrow? We'd be off to-night, on'y I'm feared my rheumaticky bones wouldn't stand the racket." The color ebbed from Iris's face, but she said at once: "I shall be ready, uncle dear. I promised Dom Corria to look after the hospital appliances that are so much needed by the poor soldiers, but the Senhora De Sylva will attend to that much more effectually than I."

Dickey broke the spell by suddenly rising, with the exclamation, "I think we're cooled off about enough; and, as I'm a little rheumaticky to-night, I'll shut that door, if you've none of you no objections." There was a subdued murmur of assent, the door was closed, and Uncle Jabez returned to the thread of his discourse: "Lemme see: where was I? Oh, yes.

"I mean having everything easy; everything done for you. No real hard knocks in life." "Oh, well, if that's all, I'll probably have hard knocks enough before I get through. Most people do, I've noticed," replied Polly, easily. "I'll probably marry somebody who'll spend all his money and leave me eight children to support, or else I'll die a rheumaticky old maid. Will that satisfy you?"

"I've left the rheumaticky old woman to a sort of patent rubbing oil very much in vogue just now, and I've resigned the coming babies to the midwife at Carlossie, and been to Kraill's Lendicott Trust lectures at Edinburgh. He seems, in my humble and very uninstructed opinion, to have gone very far since 'Questing Cells. The lectures were on sex psychology.

His rheumaticky feet, tired with balancing that squat body for many years upon the decks of small coasters, and made sore by miles of tramping upon the flagstones of the dock side, had hurried up in time to avert a ridiculous catastrophe. I answered him pettishly, I fear, and as if I had known all about it before. "All right, all right! can't do everything at once."

I'm a poor, rheumaticky creeter and nobody but Jabez would have taken me out o' the poorhouse an' done for me as he has." "You mean, you have done for him!" cried Ruth, in some passion. "You have kept his house for him, and mended for him, and made a home for him, for years. And I doubt if he has ever thanked you not once!" "But I have thanked him, deary," said Aunt Alvirah, sweetly.

Lisbeth flounced round. "Don't you go for to say my Peter's slow at his work. It's little ye ken how hard he's at it, nicht an' day, slavin' for you an' the doctor, miss; and he's nane sae auld neither, an' ye needna be ca'in' him an auld rheumaticky body that canna climb a lether." "O Lisbeth, I didn't," reproachfully. "You did so."

Even the Chief gets down on his rheumaticky old knees and kisses the carpet of his room after she has trodden on it." The Deputy tended to become garrulous, and I cut him short with an inquiry for Dawson's exact address. He lived in Acacia Villas, but I was without the precise number. The Deputy told me, and promised to inform Dawson of my visit at the earliest moment.

The secretary was a labourer, and in time he grew old and infirm and could not hold a pen in his rheumaticky fingers, and a meeting was held to consider what was to be done in the matter. It was not an easy one to settle. There were few members capable of keeping the books who would undertake the duty, as it was unpaid, and no one among them well known and trusted by all the members.

But 'twas Aunt Debby's 'special favorite, so I always start a pot real early and have it in blossom when her birthday comes 'round." By the sound she was struggling heavily to her feet. "Yes, do, for goodness' sakes, haul me up, will ye? I'm as stiff as an old horse. I don't know what makes me so rheumaticky. My folks ain't, as a general thing."

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