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Updated: August 18, 2024

He's pretty near wild with narvousness, but he's got too much spunk to leave his fam'ly, an' go off an' hide from creatures like you. They's no caution in him. Look at him tearin' 'round to give you another chance! "I felt most too rheumaticky to tackle field work this spring until he come 'long, an' the fire o' his coat an' song got me warmed up as I ain't been in years.

Leave this hot old stupid house-top and come live in my cool, moist, wady-shady swamp, and I will be your very loving little wife." But the Stork arose in his nest, flapping his wings crossly, and cried, "Be off, you baggage! Don't come here to insult my beautiful house. Be off, I say, to your mushy-squshy, rheumaticky bog. I want no more of you!"

"This is a cruel thing that old age should be rheumaticky," said he. "When I was young I stood my turn of the teethache like a man! for why? because it couldn't last for ever; but these rheumatics come to live and die with you. Your aunt was took before the time came; never had an ache to mention.

Jonathan looked about him, holding up the lantern, and shrugged his shoulders, with a pitying grimace. 'Here it is, he said. 'See the damp on the floor, look at the moss; where there's moss you may be sure that it's rheumaticky. Try and get near that fire for to warm yourself; it'll blow the coat off your back.

After all, what had it all amounted to if the bird had been lost in the storm? At that point in his reflections a little figure came rushing to him, all breathless with excitement. It was Maria, with her father and mother just behind. They were followed by the old caretaker, hurrying as fast as his rheumaticky limbs would permit, and, wonder of wonders!

'This is a cruel thing that old age should be rheumaticky, said he. 'When I was young I stood my turn of the teethache like a man! for why? because it couldn't last for ever; but these rheumatics come to live and die with you. Your aunt was took before the time came; never had an ache to mention.

He assumed a brave front, and with hands thrust in his pantaloons pockets, came up, whistling softly. "Good-mornin', Zekle," greeted Father Tyler, rising from his stooping position. "Good-mornin', Mr. Tyler. Fine mornin'." "Ya'as; but I'm erfeared we're goin' ter hev rain in er day er two. I feel ruther rheumaticky this mornin', er mighty shore sign that rain ain't fur off.

"You're a heedless, disobedient pair," said the wrathful Sanders, "and if I'm blamed for your taking to your beds and gettin' rheumaticky fever and inflammation of the lungs, it won't be my fault, and I shall tell the missus so!" Roy was not well for some time after this episode. He had a bad bronchial attack, and was in the hands of his old nurse again.

"Don't talk that way," said Scott, sharply. "It's unlucky." "Unlucky? Are you superstitious?" "No, but I've noticed that people who are always expecting bad luck usually get it. I'd hate to have you " he stopped, and Polly caught a look in his eyes that startled her. "Die a rheumaticky old maid?" she said, nervously.

Jonathan looked about him, holding up the lantern, and shrugged his shoulders, with a pitying grimace. "Here it is," he said. "See the damp on the floor, look at the moss; where there's moss you may be sure that it's rheumaticky. Try and get near that fire for to warm yourself; it'll blow the coat off your back.

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