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The strange thing is that he's been mighty friendly with me of late, an' axed me a number of questions about you folk." "About us?" cried Constance in surprise. "Why, what did he want to know?" "Oh, nothin' much in perticular, only what yez were here fer, how long yez were goin' to stay, an' questions like that.

Besides, poised as she was like a winged Mercury on the threshold of Society, she could not afford any low scene with Mrs. Tutts. Conquering her resentment, Mrs. Jackson said conciliatingly "Yes, of course, now we 're married it's different we have to be perticular who we entertain. As Mis' Symes says 'Society must draw the line somewhere!" Mrs. Tutts searched her face in quick suspicion.

TWO days later, as Frank was about to start for the cricket-field, a small boy, whom he recognised as a son of Perkins, stopped him. "Father wants to speak to you perticular, Mr. Norris." "All right, young un, I will go round there at once." Wondering what Perkins could have to say to him, Frank took his way to the public-house.

I hope Mis' Symes don't come around to call on me I'm kind of perticular who I entertain." Mrs. Jackson's hard blue eyes began to shine, but Mrs. Jackson had been something of a warrior herself in her day and knew a warrior when she saw one. She had no desire to engage in a hand to hand conflict with Mrs.

"Dear, dear! But come in and sit ye down. Ask yer girl to come in I'm not perticular." "She's me lawful wife," he said, and his tone changed her manner into something like sweetness and dignity. "Go ye in, Mart. I'll fetch her."

This a'n't the newest news to me; I've been expectin' on't a long spell, an' I've talked consider'ble with Westbury folks about it; and there a'n't nobody much, round about here, but what'll stand out agin the Britishers, exceptin' Tucker's folks; they're desp'rit for Church an' King; they tell as ef the Lord gin the king a special license to set up in a big chair an' rewl creation; an' they think it's perticular sin to speak as though he could go 'skew anyhow.

"I ain't got no money, myself," I began to explain, apologetically, "but Tim thar sed he'd pay my bill." "Sure, that's all right; I ain't a worryin' none. Maybe I might put yer in an easy way o' gittin' hold o' a little coin thet is if ye ain't too blame perticular." "Me!" I laughed. "Well, I reckon I don't aim fer ter be thet.

"On his own perticular well-wrought row, That he's straddled for ages Learnt its lay and its gages His style may seem queer, but permit him to know, The likeliest, sprightliest, manner to hoe." "There is nothing more certain than that some day we mil have to record a terrible disaster directly traceable to ocean racing.

He would have to make a run over to the eastern shore perticular to sell this man. Folks on the eastern shore didn't buy much. Hadn't sold 'em a hat, for instance. They all wore white cotton caps, men an' women; an' they made the caps themselves out of cotton of their own raisin'. But, as he wuz a-sayin', Mis' Braown had been a good customer, an' he wanted to accommodate.

Lewis 2 Interpeters & 6 men Set out to See the Indians in the different Towns & Camps in this neighbour hood, we Continu to Cover & dob our huts, two Chiefs Came to See me to day one named Wau-ke-res-sa-ra, a Big belley and the first of that nation who has visited us Since we have been here, I gave him a Handkerchef Paint & a Saw band, and the other Some fiew articles, and paid a perticular attention which pleased them verry much, the interpeters being all with Capt.