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Shields killed a Deer & a antilope to day for the Skins which the party is in want of for Clothes. this river below the big horn river resembles the Missouri in almost every perticular except that it's islands are more noumerous & Current more rapid, it's banks are generally low and falling in the bottoms on the Stard.

He's out the now after a carrying affair. Was it ainything perticular?" She looked at Gibson with a speculation in her eyes that almost verged on hostility. Wives of the lower classes who are active helpers in a husband's affairs often direct that look upon strangers who approach him in the way of business.

The men expose those parts which are generally kept from view by other nations but the women are more perticular than any other nation which I have passed in Screting the parts

Even I couldn't save you if you were known. There's a desperate and a dreadful game goin' to be played soon, and as you stand in the way of a man that possesses great power, and has a perticular end in view the consequence is that you are doomed. Even if you do come with me, I must blacken your face, in ordher to prevint you from being known."

Fine name fer a bad man. I s'pose he thinks he's perticular all hell, don't he?" "I do'no. Guess he is. He's got th' name fer it." "Well," said Silver Jack, drawing his powerful back into a bow, "I ain't much; but I don't like noise 'specially roaring." With the words he walked directly across the saloon to the foreman. "My name is Silver Jack," said he, "I come from Muskegon way.

"I'm perfectly willin' 't you should have the books," she said grimly. "They ain't no manner o' use to me, and never was. I don't care to have my name wrote inside 'em, though. And I ain't perticular about havin' it buried under any corner stones.

I regard it ez a trust that I'm called on to perform, on account of me havin' a natchel knack in that 'special direction. Some men have gifts fur one thing an' some men have gifts fur another thing. It would seem this is the perticular thing hangin' men that I've got a gift fur.

'Now, listen here. I'm goin' to take this bandage off yer mouth, 'cause I've a few perticular questions to ask an' you must answer 'em, but understand first that one little yell from you, an' He made a blood-curdling pretence of cutting at the rope above Dick's head. 'You'd go plug to the bottom an' be smashed to fifty bits! The man removed the gag and reseated himself on the old truck.

Katherine and Miles had gone back to the store again, so it was Oily Dave who explained the nature of the fight in which both men had been involved. "We'd a perticular bit of business on hand to-night," he said, in response to the enquiring look which Mrs. Burton turned upon him, for Stee was plainly too much upset to be coherent.

"My! do you always frown just like that?" demanded Mercy Curtis, in a manner which would have been impertinent in any other person, but was her natural way of speaking. "You don't waste your time in smiling and smirking; do you?" "I never saw any use in it unless ye had something perticular to smile for," admitted Mr. Potter.