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Updated: August 6, 2024

They commenst clappin their hands and singin and dancin. They danced kinder slow at fust, but as they got warmed up they shaved it down very brisk, I tell you. Elder Uriah, in particler, exhiberted a right smart chance of spryness in his legs, considerin his time of life, and as he cum a dubble shuffle near where I sot, I rewarded him with a approvin smile and sed: "Hunky boy!

"Go up to the bunk-house," commanded Tom, "and tell Jimmy Doolan, with my regards, to take particler care of yer. I'll speak to him later." Then, as Dennis was moving off, he added, in a rasping voice: "You an' my wife is acquainted, eh? Wal, when you've dropped your blankets, come up to the house and say howdy." Dennis went up to the house.

"That's what heats up meteors so awful hot, ain't it?" Rebecca came out of the kitchen at this moment. "I must say ye wasn't particler about gettin' all the pans to rights 'fore ye left the kitchen, Phoebe. Ben makin' the beds?" "Land, no, Rebecca!" said Phoebe, blushing guiltily. "Well, there!"

Didenhover ha'n't fetched any of this year's home; so I made a bargain with 'em they shouldn't starve as long as they'd eat boiled pursley." "What do you give them?" "'Most everything they ain't particler now-a days chunks o' cabbage, and scarcity, and pun'kin and that all the sass that ain't wanted." "And do they eat that?" "Eat it!" said Barby. "They don't know how to thank me for't!"

"Why, I don't know, Mis' Plumfield," said the lady, while Fleda threw her arms round her aunt, and thanked her; "there ain't nothin' particler pork and beef, and the old story. I've got some first-rate pickles. I calculated to make some sort o' cake in the morning." "Any of those small hams left?" "Not a bone of 'em, these six weeks. I don't see how they've gone, for my part.

"She's gone, for sure," said Dan to the men around him, for every soul on board, even including old Chasselot called by the men "Cuss-a-lot" our cook, was staring into the thick night; "and I wouldn't stake a noggin that her crew ain't cheated the old un at last an' gone down singing. It's mighty easy to die with your head full o' rum, but I don't go for to choose it meself, not particler."

But you can git a good meal in New York, & cheap to. You can git half a mackril at Delmonico's or Mr. Mason Dory's for six dollars, and biled pertaters throw'd in. As I sed, I manige my wife without any particler trouble. When I fust commenst trainin' her I institooted a series of experiments, and them as didn't work I abanding'd. You'd better do similer.

I s'pose you're mad because I've interrupted your party, but didn't that man there invite me in? Ef you're all so dreadful particler, I'll jest get out o' here till Mrs. Tudor can see me private. I'll set outside, ef I can find a chair."

Do you know where Lea Farm is? I'd pay anything for a horse and man to take me there, where my sister is staying." "Well, I don't know as my master would hire a horse out of a Sunday, unless 'twere very particler illness or suchlike. Lea Farm did you say ma'am? Is it the Lea out by Windmill hill Master Brown's; or Lea Farm, down by the river Tom Smith's?" "No, this is Mr. Meadows's, a grazier."

Not 'im, and us such pals as never was, and 'is jaw wagging all day long. But 'e's never let it out." "Oh, stow it!" said the other impatiently; "I don't want to 'ear no more about 'im. If 'e's straight 'e'll do for me, and if he ain't I'll do for 'im. See? An' now you and me'll have a word or two particler, and settle up about this 'ere job. I got the plan drawed out.

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