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I kin trust ye with my secret, an' I'm goin' ter do it. The Standishes, are New England folk high-toned an' mighty particler. It's as easy fer them ter be virtuous as ter eat punkin pie fer breakfast. I come from Wisconsin, where we think more of our bodies than our souls; an' 'twas in Wisconsin that I first met Dr. Standish. He had a call to the town, wher I lived with with my sister.

"Ah do come, aunt Miriam!" said Fleda; "it will be twice as pleasant if you do; and besides, we want to have everything very nice, you know." Aunt Miriam smiled at Fleda, and inquired of Miss Gall what she had in the house. "Why I don't know, Mis' Plumfield," said the lady, while Fleda threw her arms round her aunt and thanked her, "there ain't nothin' particler pork and beef and the old story.

"Well, boys," said he, "yer got to marry two women, now, to stop that school, an' you'll find this un more particler than the widder. I just tell yer what it is about that school it's a-goin' to go on, spite uv any jackasses that wants it broke up; an' any gentleman that's insulted ken git satisfaction by "

I ain't no ways particler wot they're made of, but it'll feel natral like if there's chimleys too." The sun stretched a sudden finger and painted the chimney pots red and gold against the smoke-dimmed sky, and with his face alight with surprised relief my friend died. We are one with the earth, one in sin, one in redemption. It is the fringe of the garment of God.

Well, this stattoo was lost somehow, and not sposin' it would make any particler difference I substitooted the full-grown stattoo of one of my distinguished piruts for the Boy Murderer. One night I exhibited to a poor but honest audience in the town of Stoneham, Maine. A sad warning to all uncles havin' murderers for nephews.

Get out, you black rascal. As the commotion subsided, the negro was heard to remark, 'Well, if dat ain't de mos' particler man I ever see." Characteristic also is a story of the negro cavalryman who, returning to the rear, said to some troops anxious to get to the front: "Dat's all right, gemmen; don't git in a sweat; dere's lots of it lef' for you.

She was took as sudden you never see nothin' suddener she come in here to fix a dish o' eggs for supper that she's mighty particler about, and don't think no one can cook eggs but herself; and I was talkin' and tellin' her about my old experiences in the post office and she went up-stairs and took to her bed; and she hain't left it sen. Now ain't that queer?

'Why, thin, didn't I know what the vagabone wanted, lavin' the bee 'athout his dinner, an' goin' down this road, afther me lookin' at him this twel'month dressing himself out in all the colours of neckties that ever was in the rainbow, an' saunterin' about the place every Sunday in particler, an' starin' at her purty face as impident as if he was her aqual.

She did say, sir, as 'ow you 'ad a particler fancy for them." And Winn had gone into the house and asked Estelle what the devil she meant? Estelle immediately denied the hyacinths and the gardener. People like that, she said, always misunderstand what one said to them. "Very well, then," Winn replied. "He has lied to me, and must go. I'll dismiss him at once.

They rang for that domestic accordingly, and bewildered her with a variety of questions in vain. Had she seen Miss Algernon during the morning? She was to think, and take time, and answer without being frightened. "Miss Algernon! Lor! that was her as come here most days, along o' him," with a backward nod at Dick. "No she hadn't a-seen her to-day, she was sure. Not particler, that was.