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Updated: August 6, 2024

The law and the facts ain't nothin' ter them, it's jest the way they are feelin' that particler day and minnit. If so happen they got outer bed the wrong foot furrard that mornin', then it's good-by ter the pris'ner, and hell fer the lawyer that's defendin' him!

That Greek rascal, Ralli, has been doin' his best to stir up all hands of us against you and particler against you, Mr Evelin by saying as it was all along of you as the poor armourer lost his life.

"Shouldn't like to meet him if I had came up to your house an' no one round, and he had took a dislike to me." "I should not myself," said Gordon. "But he does not dislike you." "Dogs know me pooty well," said the man. "They ain't no particler likin' for me. Don't want to run and jump an' wag, but they know I mean well, and they mostly let me alone." "Yes, I guess that's so," said Gordon.

"'Wot? she ses, drawing back with a start. "'Just a little turn round to see the shops, I ses; 'and if there's anything particler you'd like and it don't cost too much, you shall 'ave it. "I thought at fust, from the way she took it, she wasn't used to you giving 'er things. "'Ow dare you! she ses. 'I'll 'ave you locked up. 'Ow dare you insult a respectable married woman!

So as there ain't not nothing particler a-doing, if you hain't got anything to say agin it, I think I'll go, Squire." "All right," said the Squire; "are you going to take your wife with you?" "Why no, Squire; I said as I wanted to go for a holiday, and that ain't no holiday to take the old missus too," and George chuckled in a manner which evidently meant volumes.

"You must just run about and slap yourself," cries Joe; "Mr. Cludde and me can help me particler, my name being so. "True, it did not," I confessed. "I am lucky in having an old mariner like you to look after me." "Ay, and there be old mariners aboard that brig, too. See, they bin and dropped a couple of boats out, to tow her off."

"Oh, you want to know, do you? Which of you, might I ask, is particler anxious about my business?" There were thirty or forty of them round, and they pressed the closer at the question, as he continued "Let them as makes complaint step right here."

Jest then I met a long perseshun of men with gownds onto 'em. The leader was on horseback, & ridin up to me he sed, "Air you Orange?" Sez I, "Which?" "Air you a Orangeman?" he repeated, sternly. "I used to peddle lemins," sed I, "but I never delt in oranges. They are apt to spile on yure hands. What particler Loonatic Asylum hev you & yure frends escaped frum, ef I may be so bold?"

"Say, Cap'en, hev ye took to nursin' that boy ez ye seems so fond of?" "Shut your jaw, or I'll shut it for you!" replied Black. "Is the boy your affair?" "He's the affair of all of us, I calcerlate, an' some of us wishes to know particler if he's signed or no." Black was smothered in anger, but he showed it only with that terrible growling of the voice and his horrid calmness.

"'Wot? she ses, drawing back with a start. "'Just a little turn round to see the shops, I ses; 'and if there's anything particler you'd like and it don't cost too much, you shall 'ave it. "I thought at fust, from the way she took it, she wasn't used to you giving 'er things. "'Ow dare you! she ses. 'I'll 'ave you locked up. 'Ow dare you insult a respectable married woman!

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