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They were encased in brown velveteens much the worse for wear, and in shape resembled a couple of sticks with a crook at the knees. "I lost my sitiwation as gamekeeper to 'is Royal 'Ighness the Dook o' Duncy through bein' too 'onest," he went on with another wink. "'Orful pertikler, the Dook was, nobuddy was 'llowed to be 'onest wheer 'e was but 'imself! Lord love ye!

And when the Bogg's Farm team administered a crushing defeat to Madden's Hill, Willie grew desperate. Monday he met Lane Griffith, the captain of the Madden's Hill nine. "Hello, Daddy," said Lane. He was a big, aggressive boy, and in a way had a fondness for Willie. "Lane, you got an orful trimmin' up on the Boggs. What 'd you wanter let them country jakes beat you for?"

The thirsty man could find no solution to this problem and, although he urged the Widow Pipkin to think of a way, as his "missus needed the medicine something orful," that kind-hearted old lady could suggest nothing more to the point than going at once with a mustard poultice to the sufferer.

Jim swipes the grub; I build the fires'n help cook'n wipe dishes for Jim when I ain't sick, 'n I mind Miss Kennett's babies right along, she most allers has new ones, 'n she gives me my lunch for doin' it." "Is Mrs. Kennett nice and kind?" "O-h, yes; she's orful busy, yer know, 'n won't stand no foolin'." "Is there a Mr. Kennett?" "Sometimes there is, 'n most allers there ain't."

I am glad, though, to see that you are conscientious. Miss King tells me you are to go to the night-school. Do you attend Sunday-school?" Amarilly looked apologetic. "Not reg'lar. Thar's a meetin'-house down near us that we go to sometimes. Flamingus and me and Gus give a nickel apiece towards gittin' a malodeyon fer it, but it squeaks orful. 'Tain't much like the orchestry to the theayter.

Oh! how cruel she did suffer! She thought she would not tell him just yet. It was too hard. And then it seemed quite easy, and then she cried out in agony: "Is that 'im comin'? Oh, my Gawd, it is!" She clasped her hands over a brand-new blowse, with something under it that jumped and fluttered orful. Mother used to 'ave such palpitytions when her and father 'ad 'ad what you might call a jar.

"Co spills things so, and the boys quarrel when you and the Boarder ain't here to keep peace. It was jest orful this noon. You wasn't here and the Boarder kerried his dinner. 'Cause Flam put too much vinegar on Milt's beans, Milt poured it down Flam's neck, and when I sent him away from the table he sassed me." "Jiminy!" protested Amarilly indignantly.

I acted promptly. I called a cab and told the driver to run his hoss at a friteful rate of speed to my lodgins, but it wasn't of no avale. I had orful cramps, and my appytite left me, and my pults went down to 10 degrees below zero. But by careful nussin I shall no doubt recover speedy, if the present sparklin and exileratin weather continners.

He say orful tings ter marse cap'n who didin't gib back a inch en sez, sez he, 'I challing you. Shoose yo' weapons en place ob meetin" Dem he berry words. Den yo' cousin shose 'volvers en de far side ob de grobe up dar en said 'we fight ter de deth. Deth useter seem orful, Miss Lou, but sech a heap ob mens die dat ef Mad Whately des set on dyin', w'y not let 'im hab he way?

His interlocutor laughed softly at the statement and argument. "Did you ever know any body to be cursed in such a manner that it was plain he was under a ban of unintermitting vengeance?" "Ef you mean did I ever know a man as was cussed, I ken say I did, onct. He was a powerful mean man a nigger-driver down in Tennessee. He was orful to swear, and cruel to the niggers, an' his wife besides.