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Updated: August 7, 2024

She drifted across to Claire's corner, and spoke a few kindly words of welcome, which ended in a half apology. "I am sorry the music is so poor. It varies so much on different nights. Sometimes we have quite a number of good singers, but to-night there are none. I am afraid so much piano grows a little boring." She looked in the girl's face with a quick inquiry. "Do you sing?" "No-o."

"Bessie Roth," said I, severely, "what's come upon you?" "I'm not knowin', Davy," she answered, softly, looking away. "'Tis somewhat awful, then," said I, in alarm, "for you're not lookin' me in the eye." She looked then in her lap and did not raise her eyes, though I waited: which was very strange. "You isn't sick, is you?" "No-o," she answered, doubtfully.

"I have no passport," he answered, with a premonitory pang. "Where are you going?" "To live in Palestine." "Where do you come from?" "England," he replied triumphantly, feeling this was a mighty password throughout the world. "You are not an Englishman?" "No-o," he faltered. "I have lived in England some many years." "Naturalized?" "No," said Aaron, when he understood. "What countryman are you?"

She turned away then in a pretty confusion, said, "Good-night," and went slowly toward the door. "Oh, come back!" he cried. "Tell me you will write often?" "Oh, yes; every month." "Month? Won't you write every mail?" "Oh, Jerry!" "Every week, then?" "Will you?" "I will, whether you do or not." "Your ideas of friendship " "Are they too exacting?" "No-o," she admitted, as if reluctantly.

"Because it seems so queer that a lad like you should join the ranks." "Why queer? You are too young yet, but you will be in the ranks some day as a full private." "Yes, some day; but then, you see, my father was a soldier. Yours warn't, was he?" "No-o," said Pen, frowning and looking straight away before him out of the hut-door. "Well, then, why don't you speak out?"

"No, I don't like you. I love you," said Von Rosen. "How can you? You have talked with me only twice." "That makes no difference with me. Does it with you?" "No," said Annie, "but I am not at all sure about " "About what, dear?" "About what my aunts and grandmother will say." "Do you think they will object to me?" "No-o." "What is it makes you doubtful? I have a little fortune of my own.

Then his patient gaze shifted to the east, and he saw the surface of Sky Pond, blue as the eyes of the girl who lay crouching in the cushioned corner of the swinging seat, small hands clinched over the handkerchief a limp bit of stuff damp with her tears. "There is one thing," he said, "that we mustn't do cry about it must we, Eileen?" "No-o." "Certainly not.

He came in at one o'clock, their usual lunch hour, and finding Angela still working, said, "George! but you like to keep at things when you get started, don't you? You're a regular little work-horse. Having much trouble?" "No-o," replied Angela, dubiously. Eugene noted the tone of her voice. He thought she was not very strong and this packing was getting on her nerves.

If I am not good he will beat me. So I must obey him." "She wouldn't run off with a good-for-nothing scamp of two-and-twenty?" "Oh, no-o," said Carlotta. "She would not be so wicked." "I am glad," said I, "that you think a sense of conjugal duty is an ineradicable element of female nature. But suppose she fell in love with the young scamp?" "Men fall in love," she replied sagely.

Late that afternoon he came hurrying back, and Granny knew by the way that he cocked his ears and carried his tail that he had news of some kind. "Well, what is it?" she demanded. "I found a dead fish that had been washed ashore," replied Reddy. "It wasn't big enough for two, so I ate it." "Anything else?" asked Granny. "No-o," replied Reddy slowly; "that is, nothing that will do us any good.

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